
Entire team of APPSC should resign- Takam Sanjoy

Entire team of the APPSC to resign enmass voluntarily as time ahead would be tough for them- Takam Sanjoy



Addressing over 600 Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination (APPSCCE) aspirants agitating in IG Park’s Tennis Court here on Tuesday evening, APCC president Takam Sanjoy expressed its deep concern over their untold sufferings and concern of their parents.

“The situation as per records has been manipulated by the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) for non-intervention of governor and CMO though you all have been agitating for last four days, he said and demanded the entire team of the commission to resign enmass voluntarily as time ahead would be tough for them.

Advising them to remain united but not to commit any mistake for others to take advantage, he said that being opposition leader he was monitoring the situation and even visited Tennis Court to keep tab on the situation.

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He informed that he had charged Capital SP during a meeting in Civil Secretariat in presence of three ministers and chief secretary for aggravating the situation by lathi-charging & using water cannons again the aspirants and going extreme by dragging female aspirants in front of KCPSC centre.

Entire team of the APPSC should resign- Takam Sanjoy

“The statutory APPSC once commanded faith and confidence of the people as an independent institution, which it has lost including mine by stooping so low. Thus, I would like to meet the CM with other ministers for a rapprochement by cancelling the exam and conducting it in a transparent manner in a conducive situation to test the abilities of aspirants.


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