
ATCO carried out massive vehicle rally to press their demand



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Abo Tani Clan Organisation (ATCO) volunteers carried out a massive vehicle rally in twin capital city to press their four point charter of demand.

Hundreds of volunteers and supporters today carried out the vehicle rally which started from Kankar nallah in Naharagun and culminated at Tennis court in Itanagar. Though the rally was peaceful but the protesters having flags and banners  and shouting slogans .

Taking to media person ATCO President Yamra Taya said that on December 13 the team ATCO comprises of five community Nyishi, Adi, Apatani, Tagin, Galo has submitted memorandum to Chief Minister Pema Khandu for an amicable solution with regards to the creation  of Department /Establishment of Department of Abotani Tradition & Culture Affairs (DATCA) and a 7 days time was given.

The time given to Chief Minister Pema have completed but till now no concrete response have been received. Now  we are here to show our strength and sending message to authorities through this rally that we are still stick to our demand of DATCA.


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