Assam: Surendra Kumar IGP, speaks on ‘Role of Duty Bearers in Child Protection’ at Royal Global University

He also spoke about the acute shortage of counsellors and social workers in the state, as when a crime is committed, everybody focusses on arrest and conviction of the criminal but many a times one completely neglects rehabilitation of the victim.
Surendra Kumar, Inspector General of Police, CID, Assam, visited the Assam Royal Global University and interacted with the students of various departments on Human Trafficking, Crimes committed against Women & Children and the POCSO Act. He was felicitated by the Vice Chancellor of RGU, Prof. Dr. SP Singh and Registrar of RGU, Angira Mimani who also graced the event with their presence.
During the interactive session, Surendra Kumar shed light on how heinous and ghastly invisible crimes are committed against women and children. He asked the students to be very mindful of the situation around them and be very alert. Crimes like Human-trafficking can occur in broad day-light in subtle ways therefore, he asked students to act responsibly whenever they can detect signs of such crimes being committed and report immediately.
He also spoke about the acute shortage of counsellors and social workers in the state, as when a crime is committed, everybody focusses on arrest and conviction of the criminal but many a times one completely neglects rehabilitation of the victim. He concluded his speech saying that, cases registered must be ‘victim centric’ and not just ‘punishment centric’ and only then can we reintegrate and help the victim get back on his or her feet.
Surendra Kumar has been serving for more than two decades in the Indian Police Service in matters related to prevention and detection of crime for the State of Assam including Crime against Women & Children, Cyber Crimes, Trafficking of Drugs and Narcotics. He is designated as Nodal Officer for anti-human trafficking for the state.
He has also authored the handbook ‘Role of Duty Bearers in Child Protection’ published by Centre for Child Rights, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam with support from UNICEF. He has also received special award in FICCI smart policing Awards 2019, for his significant work done in this field.