
Arunachal: Two teachers drowned in Kameng river, Seppa

Both of them went river for fishing.

Seppa-  Two teacher of Wonderland Residential School drowned in Kameng river on Saturday evening.  Both of them went river for fishing. The teachers have been identified as Atom Ratan (32), and Anand Topo. said local police.

According to a report, Topo  was trying to place the fishing net from a top a big boulder, but he lost balance and first to drown.  When  Ratan saw the Topo was drowning, , the he reportedly dived into the river to rescue him, but unfortunately both of them drowned, informed a eye witness.


Ratan is the managing director of Wonderland Residential School and Topo is working as teacher in the same school.

Meanwhile an unnatural death case has been registered at the Seppa police station, and the police have started a search operation for the missing teachers.


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