Arunachal: Scientific Beekeeping training programme inaugurated at CHF, Pasighat

Seven days (14-20th May, 2019) within the State Training programme on “Scientific Beekeeping for the farmers/Beekeepers of East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh” begin today at College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat.
The programme is sponsored by National Bee Board, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmer Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, funded under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH).
In his speech, Chief Guest Dr. B.N. Hazarika, Dean, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat, highlighted the importance of Beekeeping in Arunachal Pradesh for fulfilling the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding doubling of farmers’ income by 2022.
He also briefed the trainees about the benefits of adopting scientific bee keeping in increasing crop production and productivity in Arunachal Pradesh. Dr. Hazarika also emphasized that KVK and college should act as lighthouse of scientific technologies for farmers of the region.
Guest of Honour Dr. D.B. Ahuja, Head Department of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat, briefed the farmers about current scenario of beekeeping in NEH region, he also encouraged the farmers to adopt scientific beekeeping and grow more flower crop and integrate bee keeping with agricultural and horticultural crops to generate extra and sustainable income.
He also appreciated the efforts of the organizers from College of Horticulture and Forestry, CAU, Pasighat for organizing such beautiful, fruitful & worthy events for the beekeepers and farmers of the district.
Dr. Mahesh Pathak, Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK East Siang, CAU, Pasighat and Course Director of training programme apprised the chief guest and others about the different activities planned to encourage farmers to adopt the scientific beekeeping in the district.
Mr. Toge Riba, resource person from KVK East Siang, CHF also emphasized on integration of scientific bee keeping with crop production for improving socio-economic condition of the farmers.
The trainees also visited demonstration units of KVK East Siang to get practical experience on integration of beekeeping with orchard of horticultural crops viz. lemon, litchi, apple and guava. Twenty five progressive farmers and beekeepers from Sille village of East Siang district are attending the training programme.