Arunachal: Oriah Festival Celebrated in Longding

Longding- Oriah festival was celerated in Longding District HQ and other Administrative HQs on 16th February 2023 with . The programme at Longding HQ was attended by Liasam Simai MLA adviser to IPR and Tourism as Chief Guest, Rangphowa Ngoa as Guest of Hounour and Dozi Tana Tara APPSU president as Special Invitee. MLA Longding-Pumao Tanpho Wangnaw recited the oriah mythology and shared the importance of celebration of Oriah by the Wanchos.
Laisam Simai Lauded the rich, beautiful and vibrant culture of the wancho tribe, he said that it is important to preserve our tradition and culture while enjoying the fruit of the modernization.
“For Long Tirap Changlang Longding remained an underdeveloped region and could not grow at the desirable pace owing to various reasons- however the time has come that all stakeholders should come together and take TCL forward- instead of blaming each, raising from the political differences and think for the common good”, he added.
He also told that CM Pema Kandu has agreed to provide addition funds from state funds to address the issue in Longding District. Longding is a beautiful district, reach in flora and fauna, we need to work on the preservation of wildlife and ecology. Also, it is important to fight against the issue of drug menace which has given a bad name to the region; in this regard youth of the region has a very crucial role to play.
Speaking about the tourism he said people of the region needs to be hospitable and for that necessary awareness needs to be created. Also, for addressing the accommodation issues Homestays needs to be encouraged. He added that “special emphasis will be given on the new tourist circuit in the region through a separate TCL tourism plan which the government is working upon”.
Ranphoa Ngowa, Additional education secretary-cum-DoTCL director who was the special guest, spoke on the importance of tourism sector and also highlighted the challenges. He also urged the youths of the region to focus on their education. Dozi Tana Tara APPSU President Spoke about the importance of tradition, culture and learning mother tongue.
Apart from the district HQ Oriah was celebrated i n Wakka Circle where Kamlung Mossang was Minister UD & H , Food and Civil Supplies, Town Planning ULB etc was the chief Guest. At Pongchau Tage Taki Minister Agriculture and Horticulture was the chief gues of the Oriah Celebration along with Honchun Ngandam Minister RWD, Science and technology as the special guest. At Kanubari ADC HQ Shri Wangki Lowang Minister PHE&WS & DoTCL attended as the chief Guestin oriah celebration. To add the celebration at Chubam Circle was attended by Shri Tesam Pongte, Dy Speaker AP Legislative Assembly as Chairman and Miss Chathong Lowang ZPC Tirap as Special guest.
At Longding the Oriah festival is celebrated every on 16th February every year. It was in the year 1975 that the first Oriah festival at Longding was celebrated. However, this year Oriah celebration was kicked started on 14th February under theme “Tourism Promotion” where Abu Tayeng Director Tourism was the Chief Guest.
The Oriah festival at Longding aims at the unification of all the Wancho villages irrespective of their origin of migration to the present settlements. It aims at the harmonious co-existence of the Wancho people leaving aside the memories of the past inter village feuds and differences. It is also an attempt for the protection, preservation and promotion of the rich tradition which have been inherited from the ancestors. It is also an occasion for showcasing the colourful tradition and rich legacy of the past.
In Pumao, Balo Raja HMLA Palin Adviser to Minster Power & Hydropower attended Oriah celebration as Chief Guest and Mrs P Wangcha as attended as Guest of Honour.