Arunachal: disaster preparedness training held at Tawang

TAWANG- The twelve day long disaster preparedness training and demonstration by 12th Battallion of NDRF organized by District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)Tawang from 17th of this month was concluded today at Circuit house Tawang with disaster preparedness training and mock exercise to the members of various women self help groups of Tawang.
On the concluding day at circuit house DDMO Tawang Mrs Genden Tsomu, addressed the gathering of Women self help group members and informed them about dos and donts to minimise the damage in the event of any calamity.
She urged the mothers to disseminate knowledge of life saving skill training gained through demonstrations mock exercise by NDRF personnel to their family members and friends.
During this twelve day long training demonstration and mock exercise by NDRF and DDMA Tawang all the double storied schools both govt and private and many other institutions like monasteries were covered, wherein students and volunteers were physically involved in the mock drill.