Arunachal: APU celebrates 3rd convocation

Apex Professional University ( APU )celebrates 3rd convocation; more than 360 students were conferred degrees.
By Maksam Tayeng
The Apex Professional University (APU), the first Indian Knowledge System University, celebrated its 3rd Convocation at auditorium of College of Horticulture & Forestry, Pasighat on the birth anniversary of the great visionary, scientist and former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam today in which more than 360 students of the university were conferred degrees in various fields.
The Convocation began with the majestic and grand Academic Procession followed by the University Anthem sung by the students of the University. The Founder Chancellor of the University, Acharya Dhanwant Singh, an alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad thanked the parents for reposing faith and trust on APU and appreciated the achievements of students in various fields. He said, “We train our graduates to think critically, solve problems creatively, communicate effectively and be truly skilled to face the challenges in the future of work”.
While Lok Sabha MP from Arunachal East, Tapir Gao, as a Chief Guest congratulated the graduates on their success and commended the university’s efforts to create a holistic learning environment for the students of Arunachal Pradesh at Pasighat. He also emphasized to make Pasighat an educational hub and APU play a vital role in creating a centre of excellence in the field of education which must be a unique one of its kind. He also recognized the university’s endeavour for getting approvals from Govt. of India to start B.A.LL.B., LL.B., B.Ed., D.Pharma and other courses.
While, Alo Libang, Health & Family Welfare Minister, Government of Arunachal Pradesh appreciating the functioning of the university, placed on record the contribution of university staff in grooming tomorrow’s leaders with new vision and outlook. He encouraged the university to start Nursing, Yoga and Naturopathy Degree level courses in the university and assured that the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh will extend all needful support. He also emphasized to contribute back to the society and inspired the students and the staff of the university in his brief and captivating address.
Dr. Kanwal Singh, Pro-chancellor of the University added, “The mission of the University as conceived by the Founder Chancellor Acharya Dhanwant Singh has been to develop and educate job creators of tomorrow, who can shoulder the challenges of globally responsible and ethical leadership in the 21st century. He also said, ‘Our emphasis is on learning by doing’ and ‘making learning curiosity driven and enjoyable’.
Vice-chancellor Prof. (Maj.) Ashok Kumar presented the Annual Report of the University and declared that 366 students have completed their degrees comprising of 104 post-graduate and 262 under-graduate students. He also touched upon all the salient developments of the University including publications, collaborations, collaborative research, awards etc.
Prof. (Dr.) B.N. Hazarika, Dean, College of Horticulture & Forestry being the Key Note Speaker while motivating the students advised them to be good human beings and to be an asset to the nation. He said that this University is a rapidly growing University grooming tomorrow’s leaders to meet the challenges in their future lives. While V.S. Moray, Registrar thanked the State Government for supporting the various initiatives of the University and the Convocation concluded with the National Anthem.
The Convocation was graced by the presence of the members of the Board of Governors, Board of Management, Academic Senate, Teaching Staff, non-teaching staff, students, media personnel and parents of the students.