
Arunachal: Orientation cum Workshop on Leadership Capacity Development for College Principals

Organised by Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University in Collaboration with NIEPA, New Delhi.

ITANAGAR- Five Day Orientation cum Workshop on Leadership Capacity Development for College Principals of North Eastern India  is being organised with the objectives, to facilitate systematic review of the Higher Education System, AND to discuss the issues and challenges and strategies for visionary leadership and to facilitate principals with the strategies for overcoming the challenges of managing their colleges.

Total 29 principals of colleges from all north eastern states are participating in the workshop and the main themes to be discussed in the workshop are NEP 2020 Implementation Challenges, Holistic and Muti-disciplinary in context of NEP 2020, Curriculum Structure, Higher Education in North East, Quality of Higher Education, Role of Educational Leaders, Effective Governance in Higher Education, Internationalisation in Higher Education and Financial Management and Resource Mobilization.

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All the participants along with Resource persons shall visit a leading college for learning, sharing and networking at Ziro on 29th February, 2024 and thereafter there shall be a presentation on the best practices of the visited college.

The five day orientation cum workshop on Leadership Capacity Development for College Principals of North Eastern India will conclude on March 1, 2024.

Arunachal: Orientation cum Workshop on Leadership Capacity Development for College Principals

Prof. Saket Kushwaha, Vice-chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University graced the occasion as Chief Guest and in his inaugural address quoted  NEP 2020 that “The common feature of all world-class institutions globally including India has indeed been the existence of strong self-governance and outstanding merit-based appointments of institutional leaders”.

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Institution head should not develop an attitude to complain about system rather must come forward to find the solution of the problem. Prof.  Kushwaha greeted best wishes for the successful completion of the workshop.

Prof. Sudhanshu Bushan, Programme Director and Head, Department of Higher and Professional Education, NIEPA, New Delhi chaired the session and in his concluding remarks explained how Institutional heads are in a dilemma and facing the challenges in Implementing NEP 2020 because  Indian Higher education system is not homogeneous. The nature of problem in one institute and one state is completely different from the other institution and state.

Prof. P.K. Acharya, Head Department of Education welcomed all the dignitaries, principals of the colleges from all eight sister states of North East India and hoped  that  we all are going to gain a lot from this workshop as it is meant to address all those challenges that we are facing in our institution as head of the intuition.

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Prof. T. Lhungdim, Dean faculty of Education and Sports Sciences, Rajiv Gandhi University stated the very objective of this workshop is to orient for implementing the significant recommendations of NEP 2020 at the college level  and for all the principals of the colleges;  this workshop  is an opportunity, will help them in finding solution to their institutional issues and how to resolve them when they go back to their institution.

Dr. Sangeeta Angom, Programme coordinator and Associate Professor, NIEPA, New Delhi shared the concept note of the orientation cum workshop with the participants and highlighted the outcomes of the workshop.

Dr. Anga Padu, Host Programme coordinator and Associate Professor, Dept. of Education, proposed vote of thanks.


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