RGU Summer School-the learning extravaganza

‘Machine Learning’ is the buzz word today. The participants will be exposed to the world of Data Science where they can build their own model.
‘Summer School’, a 15 days learning extravaganza is being organised by Royal School of Engineering & Technology(RSET) and Royal School of Applied & Pure Sciences(RSAPS) in Royal Global University( RGU ) from 1—15 July2019 for the students of 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 standards from 9:30AM to 4.00PM. The RGU Summer School 2019 will provide an ideal opportunity for the students to enjoy the university campus and be a part of an exciting academic and social experience designed to be ahead of their peers, advance their career goals and challenge themselves with the new.
‘Machine Learning’ is the buzz word today. The participants will be exposed to the world of Data Science where they can build their own model. They can race their own blue-tooth controlled car, get a hands-on experience in 3D printing & Modeling and see the process of DNA isolation! Participants can learn the application of Trigonometry on the field and raise their curiosity levels by doing various ‘engineering’ experiments all by themselves. Learning Graphics & Multi-media design, taking part in ‘Mathematics Lab’, ‘Unlocking the mysteries of nature’ and enjoying the ‘Magic Show’ with chemicals are some of the other activities that are lined up.
Eminent Professors of The Assam Royal Global University, Prof. O.K. Medhi, former Vice Chancellor, Gauhati University and former Professor Department of Chemistry, Gauhati University, Prof. Alak K Buragohian, former Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University and former Head of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University, Prof. Anuradha Devi, Dean. Royal School of Pure & Applied Sciences, Prof. Amarendra Rajput Professor of Physics, Royal School of Pure & Applied Sciences, Prof. Biswajit Bannerjee, Dean in charge, Royal School of Engineering and Technology and several other eminent Professors shall address the students, which is most certainly an added advantage for the students.