North East

NEDAN Observed World Day Against Trafficking in Persons


NEDAN Foundation, an organisation based in Kokrajhar celebrated “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” on 30th July, 2017, mark to end the modern day slavery system. The theme of this year’s celebration as promulgated by UNODC was “Act to Protect and Assist Trafficked Persons”.

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The program aims to promote the well being of children, to uplift their social rights and make aware about various atrocities faced by children. This important event will also bring sensitisation of the Children Trafficking amongst children and their role in preventing Child Trafficking from their areas. 56 Students belonging to poor background from Kokrajhar district, BTC Assam those who have passed HSLC examination 2017 were also felicitated with Books for continuation of their education.

The Children and Adolescents participated in speech competition on Human Trafficking and other activities like Drama, songs and dance in the event. The programme was attended by CWC chairperson, Ms. Malaya Deka, DLSA Secretary, Mr. Ratnadeep Bhatacharjee and Children and Adolescents from various parts of Kokrajhar district.

The program started with the briefing objectives of the event by Mr. Digambar Narzary, chairperson NEDAN Foundation. He said the importance of celebrating such event which is remarkable in ending modern day atrocities against women and children. To prevent Trafficking in Persons (TiP) it is very much necessary to empower adolescents, who are the main target group of Traffickers. So supporting children and adolescents through various activities like Higher Education support, IT training, empowerment on various existing Acts and Laws would help them to build their career and become capable of accepting modern day’s challenges.

Ms. Malaya Deka was very happy to be present in the event as Chief Guest. She shared many recent cases of Child Trafficking from Kokrajhar district and the strategies applied by traffickers and the challenges in tracing them. There are so many reported cases of missing children for numerous reasons but still only few could have been rescued. She also spoke about the raising trend of Human Trafficking business in India and particularly from Assam.

Mr. Ratnadeep Bhatacharjee also spoke works of encouragement and praised NEDAN Foundation for celebrating such important event. He told about the available legal support for victims of Human Trafficking survivors. He also wished to cooperate in various activities of Child Protection in the district.

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