Gohpur hit and run case : ATWA appreciates police for arresting main accused

ATWA appreciates capital police for arresting of main accused in Gohpur hit and run case wherein one lady Takhe Rachi died.
It is said that everyone praises the good work, something similar happened, when police arrested the main accused of Gohpur hit and run case. people appreciated police department for solving and arresting of culprit,, which was nearly impossible.
in a press statement issued by Takhe Kani, president of All Takhe Welfare Association, Itanagar of Hong Village (Ziro) stated that ” we wishes to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Police Dept, Itanagar for arresting the culprit in the hit and run case where one of our member and senior citizen late Takhe Rachi was killed at Gohpur” .
Kani also thank all the individuals & civil Societies from different communities who supported and symphatise during the CANDLE LIGHT MARCH Programme on 13/09/2018.
read this also- Itanagar: Gohpur hit and run case- Accused arrested
The association further hope that the Police Deptt would give a logical and natural justice to the departed soul and its family members.
It must be mention here that , It was a blind case where only clue was that offending vehicle is a tempo and no other information was forthcoming, but the police team not only identify the culprit, traced and arrest him.
read this also- Itanagar: Gohpur hit and run case- Candle march for justice