North East

Assam: Significance of Photography in Building a Fashion Brand 

Guwahati: Mr. Amit Khanna, the winner of the Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Award 2016 for contribution to Fashion Photography, Bollywood Fashion Photographer, Writer, Actor, Film Producer & Director was the speaker on ‘Significance of Photography in Building a Fashion Brand’ held by Royal Global University on 4 August 2020.

He was joined in his deliberations by Prof.(Dr.) S.P.Singh, Vice Chancellor, Prof.A.K.Buragohain, Chairperson-Academic, Ar.Anita.P.Y., Dean, RSFT along with  faculty, staff and students of RGU as well as from across India. It was moderated by Mr.Mansher Singh, Asst.Professor, RSFT.

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Prof.Singh, a Geologist inter-twined with cameras, spoke on the importance of photography to showcase any object/brand for establishing/strategic positioning of it, for marketing/branding purpose. He showered adulations on Mr.Khanna who at a very young age wears many hats and has excelled in each one of them. He also spoke on the importance of being a multi-tasker, multi-faceted personality in today’s world.

Mr.Khanna, speaking on creativity said that it is a limitless ocean where there are no boundaries or restrictions. He started his discourse on fashion photography consisting of very important aspects and the branding of it through photography, which is sacrosanct.

Any brand/product of any weather condition is a very strategically thought out and planned images that create an identity for the brand/product. The images take the brand to the next level, as envisaged by the seller for the consumer, as in colours, tone, sets, props and more. It creates a unique line for the brand and makes it stand out from the rest of the world.

It is the first step towards creating brand loyalty and reliance. However, it varies according to the genre of brands, brand preferences, products, conceptualization and ideas behind it. He further stated that cinematography- location, models, looks, lightning an editing/post production of the photos were some very important aspects of fashion photography.

He also spoke about the 1 minute video photos which with clarity defines the product for branding. Music being a pivotal part of electronic branding, he suggested that music must compliment the product for best results. The uniqueness of any brand created through photography builds its brand loyalty as seen in national and international brands like Sabyasachi, Dolce & Gabbana, etc.

Mr.Khanna, through his life journey, implored the students to equip themselves with all aspects of fashion photography as he rightly said, ’There is no short cut to success.’

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