
Arunachal: wooden mask making workshop held at Shergaon

The wooden mask is handmade by the artisans of Arunachal Pradesh in traditional processes.

SHERGAON–  A  traditional wooden mask making workshop was organized for the local community, by Local NGO Garung Thuk and Nature conservationist Ms. Tripti Shukla at Shergaon, West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh. The program was sponsored by Wildlife Trust of India (WTI).

The workshop series has witnessed an enthusiastic participation from people residing in Shergaon, Rupa and Jiagaon, who have shown immense interest in learning about traditional wooden mask making.


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Trainer artist Pema Tashi hailing from Morshing village, who is the last surviving practitioner of the ancient craft in the region speaking about the workshops, shared, “It would be very helpful for me if more people could learn and join my team in the future. This way, we can preserve our heritage and keep the tradition alive for generations to come.”

The wooden mask is handmade by the artisans of Arunachal Pradesh in traditional processes. The care and colors they put into the making of the wooden masks make it premium and vibrant.

Garung Thuk NGO, known for its grassroots efforts in community development and environmental preservation, has played a vital role in organizing and coordinating the workshops. The NGO’s commitment to empowering women and reviving traditional practices aligns seamlessly with Tripti Shukla’s vision for the program, making it a harmonious collaboration.

The collaboration between Ms. Tripti Shukla and Garung Thuk NGO, with support from the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), stands as a shining example of how collective efforts can drive positive change for both communities and the environment.

A another Four Days workshop series organized with the aimed  to revive indigenous knowledge, empower women, and promote sustainable livelihoods.

In a heartening initiative that seeks to blend nature conservation, cultural heritage, and women empowerment, Tripti Shukla and Garung Thuk NGO have come together to organize a series of workshops in the Shergaon region.

Two-days workshop was organised for women in Shergaon, where women learnt intricate bead art accessories. The members of Women Self Help Groups attended the workshop.

Ms. Toingam Khangam from Itanagar, artist known for her expertise in traditional art forms, skillfully guided the participants through the delicate process of crafting exquisite bead accessories. The workshop emphasized nature and traditional patterns, allowing the women to draw inspiration from their surroundings and cultural heritage.


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