
Arunachal: Interface -cum -Extension Advisory Meeting held at CHF

Addressing the inaugural session, CHF Dean Prof BN Hazarika welcome the gathering and apprised the participants of the importance of extension education to the farming community.

PASIGHAT-   Around Fifty participants, comprising of line department officials, progressive farmers, social workers, faculty members and scientists of the College of Horticulture & Forestry (CHF), College of Agriculture (COA), KVK- East Siang, MTTC and VTC attended an ‘interface-cum-college extension advisory committee meeting’ at the CHF, CAU, Pasighat,  East Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh on Wednesday.

Addressing the inaugural session, CHF Dean Prof BN Hazarika welcome the gathering and apprised the participants of the importance of extension education to the farming community. He also highlights the teaching, research and extension education activity of the CHF and the salient achievements and role of the college for the benefit of the stakeholders of the farming community of Arunachal Pradesh.


CEAC external member Dr H.C. Bhattacharyya, Ex, DEE, AAU, Jorhat  emphasized to  prioritize the problems of the local farmers and work on that with the help of other line department of the respective district. He has focused on identification of farmers’ training needs and effective extension approaches and methods. He has also enlighten on the Horti-based integrated farming system and “Seed to Plate” approach for overall development of farming community.

Director Dr S.R.K. Singh, external member from Jabalpur (MP)-based ICAR-ATARI also attended the committee meeting online. He said that there are many issues in technology transfer and technology adoption in NE region. Therefore, it is needed to address village knowledge based system which is the need of then hour. He has also highlighted on the impact assessment of horti-based farm technology in the Northeast hilly region.

CoA, Pasighat  Dean Dr AK Tripathi emphasized for conducting front line demonstrations of new technology at farmers field in order to compare the production. There should also be of students involvement in extension activities to address the real problems and needs of farmers. He has also emphasized on scope of agri-entrepreneurship  and agri-startup for Arunchal Pradesh

HOD, Social Science Dr LD Hatai, Coordinator of College Extension Advisory Committee, delivered detailed presentation on the Annual Progress Report, Action Taken Report and Annual Action Plan of the College. Line  department officials also delivered their views on the extension activity perspectives.


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