Arunachal: First Zilla Parishad meeting of Tawang Dist after Panchayat Elections held

TAWANG- The first Zilla Parishad meeting of Tawang District after Panchayat Elections was held today in the conference hall of DC office Tawang. Leki Gombu, ZPC Tawang Chaired the meeting which was attended by all the ZPMs of Tawang District,DC Tawang Sang Phuntsok, alongwith all the Member Secretaries GPDP, administrative officers and HODs.
Lobsang Tsering,Addl.DC cum DPDO Tawang in his welcome address highlighted about the history of Panchayati raj in Arunachal Pradesh and its role in the development process.
The ZPMs of Kyidphel and Mogto on behalf of all the ZPMs raised some querries with regard to existing Govt schools,Agriculture,Horticulture schemes and sincerity of govt employees working in the field at village levels.
The concerned HODs present in the meeting briefed about the staff position in their respective departments and problems related to their departments.
Emphasis on Education and Health sector were given,DDSE apprised the house regarding govts initiative to merge non functional and low enrollment schools for better management and improve quality of education. while Medical Superintendent KDS District Hospital Tawang informed that District hospital Tawang urgently needs General duty Medical officers. Shortage of man power under Electrical department and ensuring continuos power supply were also discussed at length.
DC Tawang in his address said that this meeting is a very good platform which gives first hand information from the public representatives to know the ground
realities of villages.He further requested the PRI Members to be the custodian of govt assets which are left unsused in villages. Tawang is having one of the best team of officers who work sincerely and also get very good cooperation from public and this good coordination must continue he added.
ZPC Tawang in his concluding remarks said that the meeting has been very fruitful and asked for cooperation from all. Education will be my priority and we all should visit fields to see the ground reality and find out solutions for it.