Arunachal: APSCW organized legal awareness programme at Namsai
The awareness programme was conducted amidst a large gathering of HoDs, GBs, PRI members, CBOs, SHGs, NGOs, students.

NAMSAI- Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women (APSCW) organized a one day legal awareness programme under the banner ‘Know your Rights and Fight for your Rights’ today at Buddha Vihara, Gunanagar, Namsai district.
The programme sponsored by APSCW was jointly organised by District Administration Namsai and AMYAA NGO and was attended by Smti. Kenjum Pakam Chairperson, APSCW, Nang Urmila Mancheykhun, ZPC Namsai, Smti. Mabi Taipodia Jini, MS, APSCW, Smti. Rani Perme, EAC Chongkham, Members, APSCW.
The awareness programme was conducted amidst a large gathering of HoDs, GBs, PRI members, CBOs, SHGs, NGOs, students.
APSCW Chairperson, Smti. Kenjum Pakam appreciated District Administration Namsai and AAMYA NGO for organising the event. She was elated to learn about the tireless services rendered by Mahila Welfare Society Chongkham in eradicating drug menance in the society. As requested by Advisor Mahila Welfare Society Chongkham, she ensured to put forth word for assigning a psychiatrist to cater to the needs of the rehabilitation centre. “We have demanded for early constitution of Internal Complaints Committee and renewal and review of the existing committees as per Visakha Guidelines to protect women from sexual harassment in work place”, she said.
She asserted that the provisions of protective laws for women should not be misused and an individual is liable to face legal consequences in case false complaints are being filed.
She urged the participants of the programme to reach out to APSCW if they come across any injustice meted out to women and assured that the Commission was committed to the empowerment of women and girls.
She discouraged the act of passing racist and sexist remarks on social media and urged all to file written complaints against any abusive viral videos that is being circulated. She was quick to cite one example of how Government took notice of a situation and issued a memorandum on how to have social media presense by senior Govt officers and abstain from making sexist comments by using gender neutral terms.
She further mentioned that Pandemic woes and internet driven culture had led to increase in trend of child marriage, she requested the parents to monitor their children’s activities and informed that the APSCW had given their consent to increasing the legal age of marriage of a girl from 18 years to 21 years.
“Parents holds the responsibility of brightening a child’s future, so men and women should exist in synergy”, she added. She concluded by stating, “a person can be successful without formal education if he has 5 Cs Character, Commitment, Conviction, Courtesy and Courage”.
EAC, Chongkham Smti Rani Perme said, despite a common perception that Tribal women enjoy equal status with men, there exists inequality in some sections of the society. The programme is not just to create awareness but to impart practical knowledge about the basic rights provided under various women related laws, thereby making them fit to face the challenges in life.
She lauded the Mahila Welfare Society, Chongkham for successfully sustaining a Drug De-addiction centre without any major funding from government.
Advocate Bulia Pulu spoke on various issues related to women rights in order to empower women and girls with the knowledge of their legal rights and duties, she highlighted the rights related to domestic violence, emotional and economical abuse, role of court and provisions of various acts in getting immediate relief. She touched on important topics such as Domestic violence act, 2005, important sections of CrPC pertinent to abuse against women, provisions of maintenance claim, free services rendered by the legal aid services, equal pay etc. For a society to move forward, men and women should enjoy equal status, she stated.
Advocate Kuku Miyu facilitated the session on, ‘Polygamy and it’s impact’. He mentioned about the Codefied laws of marriages of various religions and expressed how a Codefied law in our tribal society will curb out polygamy to it’s core. He further mentioned that polygamy gives impetus to other forms of abuse and violence against women and children.
Nang Frica Namchoom, Advisor Mahila Welfare Society Chongkham gave an insight of how the De-addiction camp is being run by the women folks voluntarily.
This was followed by an open discussion where queries put forth by the participants were cleared by the resource persons.