Arunachal: ABKWW launches awareness program on use of marriage mark and Adi shawl

Pasighat By Maksam Tayeng
In a move to start a new system among the Adi community in regards to identification of married persons from unmarried ones, the Adi Baane Kebang Women Wing (Apex body) have launched a three day long awareness programme to make the villagers, especially to the Gaon Burahs and women folk to introduce the new system of marriage mark/symbol called Kongge/Kopung (bangle) for female and Lakkap/Kosi (ring) for male and Adi shawl (Kuyet) for both male and female with separate identical design.
The ABKWW led by Olen Megu Damin reached out to Mariyang town on Friday along with its executive members and district unit of Upper Siang District and a massive awareness programme was organized in the Giidii Notko hall of Mariyang which was attended by Gaon Burahs of adjoining villages like Damro, Milang, New Milang and Bomi etc besides ABK members of Mariyang and Upper Siang District unit and Self Help Groups. ABKWW’s programme was launched at Mariyang and the similar programme will also be conducted at Yingkyong, HQ of Upper Siang District and also at Riga village under Siang District on Sunday.
Speaking at the sideline of the programme, Olen Megu Damin, President ABKWW who also chaired the meeting said that, the proper identification of married men/women was need of the hour due to absence of any specific marriage marks among the Adis which often creates confusion. “The introduction of marriage mark and new Adi shawl was passed and resolved in the last general conference of ABK at Roing and we are of the plan to introduce the system among our Adi communities all across the adi villages and jurisdiction”, marked Megu. The property rights for women were also broadly and elaborately discussed in the meeting where GBs also took active participation and suggested their views of acceptance and non acceptance.
While ABKWW General Secretary, Opak Takuk Ering elaborated the aims and objective of the awareness programme with the need of new system to be implemented, Vice President, ABKWW Onam Darang Pertin presented the looks and features of the new Adi shawl at the similarity of Assamese Gamosa. She said that, the Adis also need its own shawl like the Assamese Gamosa as the same can be used for gifting purposes to any guests. Two shawl, one for men and another for women was outlined and its sample was presented before the public at Mariyang and village women folks were urged to grow own traditional cotton to weave the shawl/Kuyet.
Meanwhile, Gaon Burahs and other common speakers appreciated the ABK for introduction of new marriage marks and shawls but most of the GBs were reserved on giving away of parental properties like immovable and antique items to daughters except on other movable items like ornaments and others. However, giving of properties to daughters is an individual choice, but before finalization on such agendas with the government for codification from ABK’s side, every pros and cons like property classifications (tangible, intangible, movable, immovable, self acquired and antique properties) should be discussed at length, said Dr. O. Pertin.
While women folks also raised the need of care to widowed mothers as after the death of her husband the sons or caretaking sons or relatives seldom gives proper care to the such widowed women in the society due to no property rights to the widowed women. The woman speakers suggested for giving property rights to widowed women after the death of her husband so that the caretaking sons, relatives will give similar care of responsibilities of fathers to the widowed women or mothers.
The team ABKWW continued their second day awareness programme at Yingkyong today making more people aware about the new systems and the programme will conclude at Riga village tomorrow, Sunday.