
Arunachal: 108 Emergency Response Ambulance Services flags off for Lumla and Zemeithang

LUMLA-  The 108 Emergency Response Service Basic Life Support Ambulances flagged of today for Lumla circle and Zemeithang circle  by Mrs Tsering Lhamu ex-ZPC Tawang,  Mr i Leki Norbu, ZPM Dutongkhar-Zemeithang,  Mr Thutan Gombu ZPM Lungla and  Mr  Tashi Dhondup ADC Lungla in presence of Panchayat leaders, Head of Office and Medical staffs at General Ground, Muyo.

When contacted over Telephone MLA Lumla,  Jambey Tashi has conveyed his gratitude to  Chief Minister  Pema Kahndu and  Minister Health and Family Welfare   Alo Libang for providing these Basic life saving ambulances for his constituency.


“We the people of Dakpa-Pangchen are thankful to Pema Khandu, Chief Minister and Alo Libang, Minister Health & Family Welfare for dedicating the two Emergency Service Ambulances to the people of 1-Lungla Constituency. It is a major boost to improve the health care delivery systems in the constituency and will be helpful in saving precious life” said Thutan Gombu, ZPM Lungla.

The 108 Ambulance service is a toll free emergency response ambulance service with dedicated Emergency Medical Technicians which will provide 24×7 emergency pre-hospital care to the patient while transporting them to the appropriate hospital for stablisation.


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