
Arunachal: Solung festival observed with zest and traditional gaiety   

In his eloquent speech, The MLA lauded the remarkable contribution of the tribe in the pace of Arunachal’s development and in particular Lohit district.


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With an arrival of autumn, Solung a major agriculture festival of Adi tribe started and the revelers are witnessed in singing and merry making here at the Solung ground today. Every individual both young and old, men and women clad in their rich traditional apparel showcased their best ethos for being Adi.

Gracing the occasion as chief guest and guest of honor, Karikho Kri local MLA and Prince Dhawan DC Lohit enthusiastically participated in the event.

In his eloquent speech, The MLA lauded the remarkable contribution of the tribe in the pace of Arunachal’s development and in particular Lohit district. “The beauty of Arunachal and its myriad culture being portrayed through festival should be a best platform for foreigner to witnesses Arunachal.

It has been made a tourism festival to promote culture and economic well off of the area”, he suggest. Furthering citing widespread of Drug addiction as biggest challenges and is main evils which should fight together to make a vibrant society together, he urges further. At the same time, he also promises to fulfill also outstanding work to make the festival ground more beautiful.

Earlier, the MLA unfurls the Solung flag and offers prayer to Kenenane at the centre of the festival ground in the presence of DC, officials, festival organizing community and other public. Later the MLA also honored all grandmothers with cash & kind in the celebration recalling their contribution.

While throwing light to the mode of celebration, the DC realizes the celebration as best occasion to bring the people from all walks of life together promoting unity amidst diversity.

Meanwhile, brief on Solung mythology by T Pertin President SFCC, both Folk and modern dances presented by women of Adi community, ethnic dance presentation from Mishmi and Galo tribes, Tug of war and community Ponung dance as well as Community feast added more color in the daylong festivity.


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