
Awareness program on Breast Cancer


To mark the Breast Cancer Awareness month, An awareness program on Breast Cancer Awareness was organised at Dera Natung Govt. College by Women’s Cell DNGC in collaboration with Indian Medical Association & State Cancer Board AP supported by NHPC Ltd. India on 26th of Oct. 2017.

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The program started with a welcome address by Lilly Tumbom Riba Jomoh the President Women’s Cell DNGC in which she spoke about the importance of spreading awareness in people about Breast Cancer in women. She said that by being aware about the disease we can keep our self safe by self examining & taking medical care from time to time.

She also appealed the people to participate in Awareness programs from time to time & spread the messages hence helping in building a safe & disease free healthy society . She also told that earlier they have organized an on spot Essay Competition on the Topic ‘Breast Cancer in Female – How to reduce the Risk ?’ in which 200 girls participants from different institutions participated.

The Chief Guest of the Event Dr. Khirmey said that everybody should be aware of this dreadful disease and keep oneself safe & healthy because Health is Wealth.

Resource persons Dr. Mari Basar senior Surgeon State Cancer Board AP & Dr. Sam Tsering senior Radiologist & Oncologist presented a powerpoint presentations on Breast Cancer Awareness & educated the gatherings . Mr. Pravesh Kumar Senior Manager from NHPC Ltd. also spoke on the occasion.

The program was ended with vote of thanks from President Indian Medical Association Dr. Lobsang Tsetim in his speech he thanked everyone & expressed gratitude to Women’s Cell DNGC & it’s President Lilly Tumbom Riba Jomoh,  it was because of her & the Team’s enthusiasm & extra efforts that the two days Breast Cancer Awareness Program was a grand successful one.
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