Chahatey Ram The New General Manager of N.F.Railway

Shri Chahatey Ram, Chief Administrative Officer, Construction , North Western Railway, Jaipur has taken over the charge of General Manager, N.F. Railway(open line) on Saturday, 8th July 2016. Shri Ram who graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) in 1979 joined the Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE) in 1981.
Shri Ram held several important assignments in the Ministry of Railways. He was Executive Engineer of the Thane Creek Railway Bridge connecting Mumbai with New Mumbai. He worked as Director and Executive Director in RDSO, Lucknow from 1996 to 2001. Shri Ram was the Chief Bridge Engineer of Eastern Railway from 2003 to 2007. He worked as the Divisional Railway Manager, Lucknow Division of Northern Railway from 2007 to 2009. From 2009 to 2011 he worked as the Chief Engineer/Construction of the Jammu Kashmir Project dealing with construction of tunnels, bridges and mega bridge over river Chenab (the highest and the longest bridge in the world having 467 metre span arch for double track and at a height of 359 metre from river bed). Shri Ram is a member of UIC (International Union of Railways) working group on Masonry Arch Bridges.
As Chief Administrative Officer, Construction, Jaipur he was in charge of all major construction projects in North Western Railway; like railway lines, bridges, workshops etc. since 2011.