
Arunachal: progress and development of party depend upon the karyakartas- Dr. Tangor Tapak

The progress and development of party depend upon the karyakartas and leader- former BJP President Dr. Tangor Tapak.


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The progress and development of any political party is totally dependent on karyakartas/workers as well as party grassroots leaders.  and Said BJP former President and former Minister Dr. Tangor Tapak.

Dr. Tapak while addressing the executive members of shakti and Sahari kendra at the state level sammelan today at city hotel here said that now election is near and we need to unite and all vacant post of the two branches need to fill up  and  they should go to the grassroots workers as well as the general masses in rural and urban area.

At the same time they should also inform several flagship and other welfare schemes launched by the state and central government for the welfare of the general masses.

We need not to look after other party but we need to concentrate to our party activities and constitute team of workers for every booth level to gear up for the coming election.

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Dr. Tapak emphasise on team work and elaborated four K for success of the party which stands for K-Karyakarta (workers), k-karyakaram (programme), k-karyalaya (office) and last k-for kosh(finance). He urge upon the leaders to maintain team spirit.

He requested for proper use of social  media and IT facilities and spoke on working system of the party and its principle.

City BJP President Tarh Soping while addressing the gathering said that the state level sammelan was necessary to strengthened the party for unity and integrity of the party leaders of the various district.

So far 12 district have participated today while rest district have taken part on Wednesday. Several state and district level leaders have listen to problem of the works and they were enrich with suggestion and guidelines and training on various subject by which the karyakarta can carry out party activities in their respective area as their team leaders.

Senior leader and cluster Incharge of Shakti and Sahari Kendra Techi Neecha spoke on the organisation structure of the party, BJP state secretary and IT convenor Vijaya Sonam spoke on importance of social media and Modi apps, Papum Pare district and city unit incharge Dr. LIgu Tacho while address on various issue and suggested idea for strengthening of the party, state Secretary Moha Taipodia while delivered his speech on role of shakti and sahari Kendra.

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