Itanagar :
Here are the highlights of Arunachal Budget -2018 tabled on 12th March, 2018 in the house by the Dy Chief Minister Chowna Mein who also holds the Finance portfolio.
# CM Health Assurance Program to be dovetailed with Ayushman Bharat Program of Govt of India (Rs. 50 Crores)
# Mukhyamantri Rogi Kalyan Kosh to provide flexible pool of resources to District Level Societies for procurement of drugs, maintenance of hospital infrastructure, hiring of specialist doctors, organising health camps (Rs. 40 crores)
# Operationation of TRIHMS Medical College in 2018-19. (Rs. 100 Crores as Gap Funding)
# Strengthening of ANM and GNM schools across State. (Rs. 20 crores)
# Free chemotherapy for APST cancer patients (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Medical Oxygen Supply System in all Tertiary, Secondary Health Care Institutions (Rs. 10 Crores)
# Grant in Aid to RK Mission Hospital (Rs. 4 Crores)
# Renal Care Fund to provide a relief of up to Rs. 10 lakh per patient (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Patient residential care facility near NEIGRIHMS Shillong. (Rs. 20 crores)
# Medical College, Naharlagun to function from 2018-19.
# Establishment of mortuaries with cold storage facilities at 5 Zonal, 2 District Hospitals and 3 CHCs (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Integrated strategy of rehabilitation, counselling, and medical intervention to deal with the drug addiction in the affected areas (Rs. 15 Crores)
Governance Reforms
# Amalgamation of Department of Economics and Statistics with Department of Finance, Investment and Planning and creation of separate Data Division for monitoring of schemes.
# Conduct of Policy Conclaves in Agriculture, Tourism, Skill Development, IT sectors in the coming year with Academicians, Experts, Enterpreneurs, State Government, Private Investors.
# Administrative Camps for decentralised service delivery in village clusters across the state under Sankalp se Siddhi Tak.
# Jan Sunvai Sammelan to be organised by each Deputy Commissioner along with his District level Officers on 1st of every month to resolve Public Grievances.
# A policy research cell to be established in partnership with Rajiv Gandhi University to conduct evidence based policy research on different areas of Public Policy including research on gender issue. ( Rs 1 Crore)
# Integrated Financial Management System to be launched to capture the entire trail of budget management.
Gender Empowerment & Social Security
# CM’s Social Security Scheme: Enhancement of Old Age Pension (above 80 years), Widow Pension and Disability Pension to Rs. 2000 per month, Old Age Pension (60-79 years) to Rs. 1500 per month. (Rs. 88 Crores)
# Self Employment Generation Activities for Puroik Communities. (Rs 10 Crores)
# Dulari Kanya Yojana: Fixed Deposit of Rs. 20000 for institutional delivery of girl child. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Enhancement of Grant in Aid to Arunachal Pradesh State Commission of Women (APSCW). (Rs 2 Crores)
# Construction of Destitute Home cum Working Women Hostel in Chimpu. (Rs 5 Crores)
# Construction of State Human Rights Commission Building. (Rs 5 Crores)
# Construction of Juvenile Homes at Changlang and Yupia. (Rs 6 crore)
# Enhancement of monthly honorarium: Head Gaon Buras to Rs. 2000 and Gaon Buras to Rs. 1500 per month.
# Enhancement of the relief amount for rape survivors to Rs. 5 Lacs. (Rs 1 Crore)
Digital Arunachal
# A total of Rs. 30 Crores have been kept for executing activities in the IT Department:
# Mass Digital Literacy Camps to train 30,000 youths in the State.
# GIS based utility mapping for Capital-Complex
# Women run Community Service Centres in the rural areas to be provided additional funds for infrastructure.
# Reliable Internet Connectivity in all Districts & Circle Headquarters by installing VSATs.
# Centralised Advertisement module for IPR Department.
# e-Hospital portal for TRIHMS and Districts Hospitals Ziro, Pasighat, Tezu, Aalo, Bomdila, Tawang.
# A mobile application UMANG to provide a single interface for service delivery to the citizens.
# Implementation of E-Vidhan In the Legislative Assembly.
# Integrated Financial Management System to capture the entire trail of budget management.
# Rs.100 Crores for CM’s Samast Shiksha Yojana to create District Level Societies for decentralised planning, flexible resource pool for maintenance of schools and colleges, upgradation of infrastructure
# Acharya Dronacharya Gurukul Yojana to select top 10 students of each district, providing scholarships of Rs. 2000 per month.
# Collateral free loans from SBI for higher studies, Rs. 5000/- per month scholarship for meritorious students studying outside the state
# CM’s Vidya Scheme to deposit Rs.10, 000/- in girl student’s account that passes class V.
# Grant in Aid of Rs. 20 crores to VKV
# Establishment of RK Mission School in East Kameng.
# Establishment of 3 Sainik schools in the state, Completion of JNV at Nafra
# Imparting of tribal language teaching at upper primary schools and documentation of remaining languages’ scripts
# Salary of SSA/RMSA teachers hiked by 22%, to be enhanced every year by indexing with Dearness Allowance
# B.ED courses to start in Dera Natung Govt. College, JN College Pasighat and IG College, Tezu.
# Creation of Arunachal Pradesh University at Pasighat.
# Completetion of Degree College at Bomdila
# Augumentation of Water Supply and construction of Student Activity Center at RGU
Forest & Environment
# Eco-task force to be established with 3 companies to protect and strengthen forest plantation activities.
# Green Spaces to be developed in Itanagar by renovating major parks.
Policy Reforms
# Amendment to the Arunachal Pradesh Land Settlement and Record Act 2000; conferring ownership rights to the indigenous tribal people allowing them to offer their land for long term lease and mortgage based loans.
# Downward revision of stamp duty rates payable on registration for mortgage of land for taking loans from Banks from 3.5 % to 1 %.
# Introduction of Arunachal Pradesh Money Lending
# Regulation Bill 2018 to create a regulatory framework for licensed money-lending.
Industry & Investment
# Industrial Policy 2018 to be launched this year which will provide liberal fiscal incentives for new investments in the state (Rs. 30 Crores)
# Establishment of Mega Food Park in Banderdewa by Government of India (Rs. 30 Crores for external infrastructure).
# Establishment of Hi Tech Multipurpose studio to promote creative industry ( Rs. 5 Crores)
# Grant in Aid to Arunachal Pradesh Bamboo Industrial Corporation for development of Integrated Bamboo Infrastructure Development Plan (Rs. 7.5 Crores)
# Construction of CC pavement roads in District Headquarters. (Rs 50 Crores)
# Funds for emergent repair and disaster relief works. (Rs. 60 Crores)
# Repair and maintenance of Trans Arunachal Highway. (Rs 30 Crores)
# Construction of Komsing bridge at Pangin. (Rs 15 Crores)
# Double-Laning of still Arch Borum Bridge for decongestion of traffic at Naharlagun. ( Rs 15 Crores)
# Survey and preparation of East West Industrial corridor from Bhairavkund to Ruksin. (Rs 22 Crores)
# District Secretariat complex at Pasighat and Itanagar. (Rs 25 Crores)
# Infrastructure Creation of new district HQs. (Rs 100 Crores)
# Seismic Isolated Training, Research and Quality Control Institute at Itanagar. (Rs 15 Crore)
# Completion of Divisional Commissioners HQs and shifting of offices of Chief Engineer’s at Namsai and Yachuli- Rs 75 crores.
# Infrastruction upgradation of Arunachal Bhawan Delhi. (Rs 8 crore)
# Construction of Ring road through Jully for traffic decongestion in Itanagar. (Rs 7 crore)
# Completion of Parking Lot at Bomdila. (Rs. 3 Crores)
# Rural drinking water supply in all villages. (Rs 300 Crores)
Law & Order
# Upgrading the infrastructure at PTC Banderdewa. (Rs 5 Crores)
# Integrated call centre facility ‘DIAL 112’ to be made operational in Itanagar in the first phase in 2018-19.
# Strengthening of Itanagar Capital Complex Police by procuring CCTV Cameras, PCRs, Motor Bikes, WT Sets ( Rs. 2.5 crores)
# 3 new Women Police Stations to be made functional- Itanagar, Seppa and Tezu.
# Crime Against Women Cell to be established in the state to be headed by SP Rank Officer
# Establishment of a State of Art Forensic Laboratory with assistance from Central Government.
# District Jails at Tezu and Jully to be upgraded to Central Jails, 5 sub-jails to be converted to District Jails- Pasighat, Yingkiong, Aalo, Changlang and Longding. (Rs. 20 Crores)
# Purchase of Modern Fire Tenders. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Creation of Security Infrastructure in TCL Region by Government of India. (Rs. 156 Crores)
Rural Farm Economy
# CM’s Sashakt Kisan Yojana to create Agricultural Development society for a flexible resource base at district level to select beneficiaries, provide targeted agricultural extension, agricultural inputs, marketing support as per needs of the district. 3 Krishi Mitras to be appointed in each district. (Rs.70 crores)
# CM’s Krishi Samuh Yojana to establish 50 Farmers Producers Organisations across the State, Credit Risk Fund with APEX Bank, Infrastructure support of Rs. 50 Lakhs to each FPO. (Rs.40 Crores)
# Arunachal Agri Start-up Scheme to promote Enterpreneurship in Agriculture Sector with a subsidy of Rs. 20 lakhs per entrepreneur. Dovetaled with Agri Clinic Agri Business Scheme of Government of India (Rs. 5 Crores)
# CM’s White Revolution scheme to target 200 dairy farmers in cooperative model. Subsidy upto Rs.3 Lacs per farmer for purchase of cows, promotion of cold storage by providing 25% subsidy over and above DEDS Scheme of Govt of India. (Rs. 7.5 Crores)
# Chief Minister’s Krishi Rinn Yojana to be continued this year to provide 0% interest free loans upto Rs. 4 lacs to 2000 farmers. (Rs. 10 Crores)
# Deen Dayal Upadhyay Bunker Yojana to be continued this year to provide 5% interest subvention subsidy to cover 500 weavers. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# CM’s Adarsh Gram Yojana to be continued this year under which Rs. 1.5 Crores will be given to 1 village in each constituency to transform it into a model village. Scope of the scheme enhanced to develop a blueprint of village level infrastructure through infrastructure mapping exercise for decentralised and effective planning (Rs. 97 Crores)
# State of the Art Cattle breeding Center to promote Dairy Development in the State. ( Rs. 7.5 Crores)
# Agri Entrepreneurship Development and Training Centres to be established at Ziro, Pasighat and West Kameng in partnership with APEX Bank, Nabard and KVK. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# CM Gram Vikas Yojana to develop a blueprint of village level infrastructure through infrastructure mapping exercise for decentralised and effective planning. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Common infrastructure grant to women weaver cooperatives upto Rs. 25 lacs per cooperative society. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Establishment of Nursery and R& D Center for Kiwi and Orange ( Rs. 4 Crore)
# Import of Root Stock of Kiwi from New Zealand. (Rs. 5 Crores)
# Launch of Bio Research Mission under State Horticulture Research and Development Institute. (Rs. 15 Crores)
# Tie up with Sikkim Organic Certification Agency for certification of organic produce. (Rs. 1 Crores)
# Auction Center at Namsai, Kimin and Bhalukpong for spices. (Rs. 20 Crores)
# Establishment of 6 wholesale markets at Mahadevpur, Roing, Ruskin, Likabali, Kimin, Balukpong to strengthen the Agriculture Produce Marketing Chain (Rs. 18 Crores)
# Land Terracing activities in food deficit areas (Rs.10 crores)
Skilling & Jobs
# Chief Minister’s Yuva Kaushal Yojana to provide high end training to 1000 students across the globe in one year. (Rs. 20 Crores)
# 200 master craftsmen to be selected from each district, for short term course at National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmedabad. (Rs. 5 crores)
# Computer Aided Textile Design Centre to be established at Dirang for women employment. (Rs. 1 Crore)
# Deen Dayal Upadhyay Swavalamban Yojana to be continued this year to provide 30% back ended capital subsidy for loans upto Rs. 1 Crores (Rs. 75 crores)
# 1000 students to be trained at Teamelease University at Gujarat.
Sports & Youth Affairs
# Implementation Arunachal Pradesh Sports Policy 2017 to encourage sports players and promotion of traditional sports. (Rs. 2 Crores)
# Completion of Outdoor stadia at Ziro.Yupia, Daporijo and Pasighat. (Rs 45 Crores)
# Establishment of 1 more State of Art Sports Academy in the Tirap, Changlang, Londing (TCL) region. (Rs 15 Crores)
# Upgradation of Sangey Lhaden Sports Academy to Higher Secondary Level. (Rs 5 Crores)
# Construction of Dorjee Khandu Badminton Academy at Itanagar. (Rs 10 Crores)
# Viability gap funding model with a capital subsidy of 20% of the project cost up to ceiling of Rs 1 crore for establishment of State of Art Sports infrastructure and training facilities. ( Rs 1 Crore)
# Completion of unfinished projects under PIDDC scheme. (Rs 60 Crores)
# Establishment Eco-tourism Society for promotion of Eco-Tourism. (Rs 10 Crores)
# Decentralised funding through District Tourism Promotion Council of Rs 50 lakhs each to 8 districts. (Rs. 4 Crores)
# Infrastructure for promotion of Spiritual Tourism: Parshuramkund, Shivling at Ziro and Malinithan. (Rs 10 Crores)
# Viability gap funding of Tourism projects with capital subsidy of 20% of project cost up to ceiling of Rs 1 Crore. (Rs 5 Crore)
# Research and Documentation Programme in partnership with RGU to capture the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the state. (Rs 1 Crore)
# Digital Museum at Itanagar by Research Department in consultation with RGU. (Rs 5 Crores)
# Establishment of Heritage village at Itanagar showcasing the diverse culture of the state. (Rs 10 Crores)
# Celebration of all the major festivals in the State. (Rs 6 Crores)
Transport & Civil Aviation
# CM’s Air Connectivity Scheme: Additional subsidy of Rs. 1500 for travel through Helicopter through the state, hiring of fixed wing aircrafts. (Rs 15 Crores)
# Infrastructure development for operationalization of UDAAN scheme in the state which include civil flights from Pasighat and Tezu ALGs. (Rs 30 Crores)
# Procurement of 40 buses by providing subsidy of Rs. 5 Lacs to private players, 10 buses earmarked for women entrepreneurs and starting of Ladies Special Buses in the State. (Rs 2 Crores)
# Acquisition of new Age buses and Light Motor Vehichles for State Transport Department. ( Rs. 10 Crores)
Urban Development & Town Planning
# Construction of Inter- state truck terminal for Rs 20 Crores.
# Completion of Flats for senior Govt Officers and MLA quarters. (Rs 42 Crores)
# Completion of housing structure at Chimpu, Bomdila and Palin. (Rs 25 Crores)
# Construction of toilets in urban areas for declaring Arunachal as Open Defecation Free. (Rs 7.5 Crores)
# Master planning for 5 urban areas and GIS based property tax plan for Naharlagun and Itanagar. (Rs 5.5 Crores)