
Arunachal : Harmuty-Kolacamp, Doimuikh-Bage Tinali road as per guidelines-NHIDCL DGM


National Highway Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) Deputy General Manager Hibu Tade said that most portion of renovation and up gradation of work on the stretch of road from Harmuty-Kolacamp, Doimuikh-Bage Tinali is under rapid progress and three water tankers have been deployed to get away from dust which, for drainage the construction is as per specification and fast progressing in compare to other project.


Tade said that till date the work is as per time schedule and hope that the contractor continue to carry the work as per contract agreement.

It is to mention that the work was earlier about to start by the state PWD but due to hue and cry made by several organisation and due to complaint the work could not started and the said scheme of PWD was cancelled.

The project which was approved by GOI under NEC scheme at an estimate cost of 58 crore and the tender through NHIDCL and the time schedule is of one year and expected that the work is completed as per specification and guidelines of the Highway

NTLLP(JV) ECI Proprietor Nabam Tullon said the road measuring 17.37 Kilometre from Harmuty-Khola Camp and Doimukh–Bage Tinali is under way and in full progress.

Tulon said that road project C/O Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Doimukh-Harmuty road from Harmuty junction to Kolacamp and Doimukh-Bage Tinali (two lane carriage way in the state of Assam-Arunachal Pradesh). The stretch from Harmuty-Kolacamp measuring 14.37 of which formation cutting have almost competed except in forest area in Assam side  and few part at Kola camp side is still remaining. The issue in Kola Camp about to resolved with the local public and formation cutting have also been initiated there.

At Doimukh-Bage Tinali stretch measuring 3.1 Km of which formation cutting completed, and bituminous first layer completed (DBM) and  bituminous concrete (BC) would be started by this month while drainage measuring 700 mtrs completed and remaining in progress.

On road from Harmuty-Doimukh, Drainage work in progress in 5 KM is nearing completion. A length of 21 KM drainage system is there in the whole project and in some part there are drainage provision on both side of road.  Out of 38 culverts  6 new, 15 for reconstruction 17 for renovation/widening.

Out of 6 new culverts 3 have been completed   and 3 are under progress, out of 15 reconstruction culverts 8 competed and 6 in progress but in case of 17 renovation/widening culverts 4 have only been  completed and remaining are yet to start as the portion of stretch are in Assam side and work is about to start after the competing of the major work in Doimukh and Gumto area.

Deputy Project Manager D.K. Bhuyan however said that we have been getting obstruction from the public in some part of  Rono, Kola Camp, Gumto and Tayeng Tarang area of which have been informed to the administration in writing to give us space clearly without any obstruction or free from all encumbrance so that the work could not be disturbed and completed in time smoothly.

When asked about the few portion of road under CC Pavement near Bage Tinali Bhuyan said that that portion measuring around 150 mtrs would be renovated and widened and completed with boundary wall and drainage system as CC Pavement construction was made due to presence of rain and drain water year round earlier and now it would be developed properly


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