
Arunachal: CS visits EduSat hub at Rajiv Gandhi University RGU


The Chief Secretary to Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh Naresh Kumar, paid a visit to EduSat Hub at Rajiv Gandhi University ( RGU ), Doimukh today to practically observe and experience the facilities and functioning of teaching and learning process through virtual mode.

For this altogether ten schools from different parts of the state having EduSat facility were on board through live video conferencing including the govt. secondary school located in the university campus, wherein a demo class was conducted for Mathematics subject with Linear Equation. The students participating from the far flung classrooms interacted with the resource persons and also got clarified their doubts.


After the session, the Chief Secretary interacted with the students and advised them to be engaged in productive work so that they can utilize their time towards scholastic and co-scholastic areas like sports, dance, art and Music. He encouraged the teachers and administrators present to desire and strive for cent percent results by giving their cent percent efforts towards shaping the human resource of the state.

After, the technical interactive session on virtual mode, the Chief Secretary and his team visited the faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Botanic Garden, Fish Museum, Aviary house, Tissue Culture Lab, Apiculture lab, Orchidarium, Arunachal Institute of Tribal Studies and other facilities in the university and expressed his desire that RGU may enter to some more MoUs with leading agro based universities abroad for better exposure of students.

The Vice-Chancellor of RGU Prof. Saket Kushwaha while thanking the CS for his maiden visit to RGU expressed that such visit encourages the linkages to mature between the state and institution which is holistically healthy for overall mutual growth benefitting each other.
He also introduced the varsity and its achievements and also highlighted about some of the best practices of the university, such as up to date syllabi, conduct of exams and declaration of results on time and on the academic collaborations with leading organizations.
The Registrar in-charge of RGU Dr. David Pertin briefed the visitors about the major collaborations in the field of languages, culture and bio-diversity, efforts of the university towards protection of endangered languages, border trade and cross cultural and strategic studies, functioning and administration system of RGU.
Among others Niharika Rai, Secretary (Education), Santosh Kumar, Special Secretary (Education), Bhanu Prabha, Special Secretary (IT), Gania Leij, Director Secondary Education, Dr. A.K. Mishra, State Nodal Officer (EduSat), DHTE, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh accompanied the CS during the visit.


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