Arunachal: consortium of PLFs observed International Women’s Day in Seppa

SEPPA: The consortium of PLFs (confederation of SHGs) celebrates International Women’s day with great fervour and poise. The International Women’s Day 2021, Theme: Choose to Challenge which highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in the interest of creating a more inclusive and gender-equal world was organized by the Consortium of Primary Level Federations comprised of 14 PLFs and 164 SHGs (Self Help Group) and facilitated by ArSRLM (Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission) Block Seppa, East Kameng District.
The programme was graced by Deputy Commissioner Pravimal Abhishek Polumatla IAS, East Kameng as a Chief Guest and Superintendent of Police Sumit Kumar Jha IPS, East Kameng as a Guest of Honour and other special dignitaries like EKSWCO chairman – Bharat Sonam and Smt. T. W Thungon (Dy. Director ICDS Seppa), ADC Seppa, DAO Seppa, DVO Seppa, ADOs HDO, Branch Managers (SBI, Apex Bank) and officials from ArSRLM District Mission Management Unit (DMMU) Seppa cluster and Block Mission Management Unit were also present at the said programme.
In the inaugural ceremony 2nos of vehicles under AGEY (Aajeevika Gramin Express Yojana) sub-component of DAY-NRLM were also flagged off by DC East Kameng and SP East Kameng.
Around 1000 SHGs members participated in the grand celebration of International Women’s Day at Donyi Polo Nyedar Namlo, Seppa town.
DC East Kameng, In the very first place he thanked all the SHGs members of Seppa & Bana blocks for being role model in piloting Nutritional Kitchen Garden and cluster farming across Arunachal Pradesh. He stressed on the need to encourage and include participation of women folks in building vibrant society.
He also appealed all the ASHA & Anganwadi workers to do their duties whole heartedly, he warned, any absenteeism will be dealt with stern actions. He emphasized on the severity of malnutrition in the district and apprised all the members present to include this particular matter in Village Poverty Reduction Plan and Gram Panchayat Development plans.
Looking at the grave negative impacts of garbage in and around Seppa town he requested SHG members to work on solid liquid waste management in the district. If required, he would also send team SHG members for exposure to best practicing state like Pondicherry and Ambikapur.
Rain Water harvesting is the need of the hour where SHGs members themselves can be trained and become self-employed through construction of the structures. This way water problem can be reduced to some extent.
He also spoked on the need to intensify the SHG bank linkages and credit linkages specially in State Bank of India branches. He also sought rectification on the gap being observed with regards to bank linkage in SBI branches.
He also apprised that the recent studies report by team of doctors in the rural areas has shown that the people lack awareness on menstrual hygiene, and requested SHGs & PLFs members to work upon it by spreading awareness and taking up initiative in low-cost sanitary pad manufacturing unit in the district and supplying it to all rural areas.
He appealed to all community-based organisation to have good numbers representation of women in the organization. And asked to report any instances of violence against women to the authority.
He assured to take up the three-points memorandum submitted by Consortium of PLFs which are as follows:
To allocate Retail outlet in the town for SHGs products
Establishment of Community Training Centre for skill development and other trainings.
To ensure Integration of Village Poverty Reduction Plans (VPRP) with Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP)
He also thanked ArSRLM team East Kameng for penetrating interior villages and rendering their services with utmost dedication and sincerity at grassroot level. And promised to provide one unit of vehicle to team ArSRLM to ease their transportation problems.
He concluded his speech with the faith and hope on mothers to accept the challenge placed before them and really work on it.
Guest of Honour Sumit Kumar Jha IPS, SP East Kameng and other dignitaries like EKSWCO chairman – Sh. Bharat Sonam and Smt. T. W Thungon (Dy. Director ICDS Seppa) also spoked on the occasion.