
Arunachal: Chowna Mein advice legislatures to use Social Media

The Deputy Chief Minister advised the young legislators to make use of social media to its best use since the young people are using it in a big way, he was addressing the valedictory function of two-day orientation program for the Members of the Seventh Legislative Assembly.



“If there is any one institution in parliamentary democracy that is answerable and accountable to the people, it is the legislature,” said the Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein at the valedictory function of two-day orientation program for the Members of the Seventh Legislative Assembly here on Friday.

He said the orientation programme have been organized so the people’s representatives become a symbol of credibility.

It is my earnest desire that the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly becomes a model for all legislative assemblies in the country, he said and called for effective participation of all in law making and budget process, towards contributing to enhancement of prestige of the Legislature.

Sharing his vast experience as Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mein said, “We represent more than 13 lakhs people, so, we have a great responsibility in fulfilling their aspirations. Let us be careful in our speeches and actions as it is being watched all over the State and it should contribute towards elevating the effectiveness and image of the legislature.”

He stated that as being a part of the law-making body of the State, it is very imperative that the MLAs first become aware of roles and responsibilities, familiarize ourselves with the legislative process, budgetary process, parliamentary customs, conventions and etiquettes and many other procedures.

Observing that the State Assembly was a temple of democracy, Mein said that it was the duty of the legislators to maintain decorum in the House and to know the rules and procedures well.

Mein said that since sitting of the house are convene for a very limited time in a year to discuss the issues of State’s importance and to pass necessary bills, it is essential that MLAs do not allow wastage of its precious time with shouting and entering the well and halting it’s proceedings to draw attention, when important discussions are going on.

He urged the new legislators and the three female legislators to actively take part in the debates and give their ideas and suggestions to make the lawmaking process meaningful.

He added it is essential for every member that endeavors have to be made by all to take effective participation in discussion on important issues, passing of important bills and budget session to have full understanding of the issues and to consider its pros and cons.

He appealed the Members of State Legislative Assembly to overcome their political differences and to contribute in the making of New Arunachal through effective participation during discussions in the House.

He told the legislators that every word spoken by them should be a source of inspiration for the future generations.

“Let us try to be an effective Legislature and study the rules, traditions and use all resources available in the Assembly to become an effective and ideal Legislature,” Mein said and added that we should raise issues only relevant to the Assembly and the State and try to contribute to understanding of the issues through our speeches in the Assembly while adhering to the time-discipline during Assembly Session.

He appealed the legislators to dwell in length on the issues which concerns the state most and deliberations to curb the menace of drug abuse among the young generations in the state have to be taken up to find means to control its dangerous spread in the state.

Mein said that he is tremendously privileged to have had the opportunity to work with so many remarkable leaders during the course of his career and added that young legislators should take inspiration from the experienced and seasoned leaders of the house from the likes of former chief ministers, Late Dorjee Khandu  & Nabam Tuki, to name a few.

The Deputy Chief Minister advised the young legislators to make use of social media to its best use since the young people are using it in a big way. He asked them to utilize social media to the optimum to create awareness about government’s policies and programmes and also to highlight the government’s achievements.

The DCM assured the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly that funds for development of e-Vidhan will be placed soon to the State Assembly for undertaking the works of digitalization in making the Assembly go paperless.

Among others, Speaker P.D. Sona, Deputy Speaker Tesam Pongte, MLA Tali Jikke Tako and Secretary Legislative Assembly M. Lasa also spoke on the occasion.

A blood donation camp was also organised at the State Legislative Assembly.

The two-day orientation programme was organised by the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies & Training, Lok Sabha, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly which covered various topics on ways, means and procedures of Legislative Assembly as well as on the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA).


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