Outrightly rejecting the demand of APCC to release In-charge Chief Secretary Satya Gopal (IAS), the State BJP stated that Gopal is not going anywhere. Also, the BJP advised the Congressmen to be rational, scientific and urged them to rise above petty politics in this time when the entire state has been badly hit by the monsoon.
“We have lost several lives and the entire state is still in shock and is mourning the tragic deaths,” stated a release while adding, this monsoon has been exceptionally harsh. mentioned in the press release
” Metrological data shows that during July 1 to 10, 2017 Arunachal received nearly 1600 mm of unprecedented rainfall whereas in 2016, during the corresponding period, rainfall was just about 800 mm,” release added.
Also, this June more than 220 mm of rainfall was received compared to last year.
Claiming that damage assessment of public infrastructure and private properties might take longer than expected this year, BJP asserted that Satya Gopal has not miscommunicated .
“Gopal has given in writing to Election Commission of India with all facts and figures and left no scope for misunderstandings or misreading.”
Gopal is an honest, upright, rational and a man of principles, BJP stated that Gopal wrote to ECI after he received a report from DEO, East Kameng that stated that “if present weather conditions continue, road connectivity can be maintained only in 9/26 polling stations”.
Further release claim that I/c CS Gopal reviewed the situation with departmental heads before communicating to ECI.
It is common knowledge that under present circumstance, it is next to impossible to send polling team and materials to 2-Gumtung, 3-Tengri, 4-Hotte, 14-Lamta 17-Lassum Pate and 18-Taposo. “It took 2 days to deliver EVM/VVPAT to Seppa from Itanagar,” stated the BJP.
“Under BJP regime unlike Congress regime, we will consider merit and performance of bureaucrats above everything else. Our HCM and his council of ministers’ wisdom shall prevail over other political parties’ advice. Also, it is the prerogative of the ruling party, not of Congress, to decide the structure of the government,” the party said in a release.
Claiming that postponing the election is in the greater interest; and for the safety and security of all those involved in the electioneering process, BJP stated, “As per the law of the land, the by-election shall be held within 6 months. Deferring it by few weeks isn’t above rule or law.”