North East

CDM Organises Seminar on Brahamputra Basin


The College of Defence Management (CDM), Secunderabad organized a “first of its kind” off campus Seminar in the city on the theme of “Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development of Brahmaputra basin and its implications on National Security with special emphasis on development of Inland waterways.


Brahamaputra dominates the landscape of the North Eastern parts of India and the fortunes of the inhabitants of the region are closely linked to it. Because of it being a Trans- Boundary River the mighty River holds great strategically importance.

During the event Minister of Science, Technology and Water Resources, Keshab Mahanta rendered the Key Note address where he reiterated the need for harnessing the tremendous potential of Brahmaputra for ensuring inclusive growth in the region.  V K Pipersenia, Chief Secretary, Govt of Assam apprised the forum on Assam Government’s vision on development of Brahmaputra Basin.

The Seminar was conducted with all-round participation from all stakeholders, with Central and State Government representatives, academicians including IIT (G), CDPS, industry representatives of NEDFi, FINER, NGO’s & civil society members, and the Armed Forces. An exclusive session was conducted on Inland waterways development where deliberations ranged from History of riverine transport, BBIN project and also plans for development of National Waterways 2 on the Brahmaputra. The delegates also discussed implications of development of Brahmaputra from a National Security perspective. During the event a book reading session was also organized. Rear Admiral Dushyant Singh Chauhan, Commandant of the College in his concluding remarks thanked the panellists for their valuable contribution during the event and expressed a continued need for conduct of similar knowledge sharing forums in the future  by all stake holders so that realistic and innovative solutions emerge for sustained development of the region.


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