Two Video clips have gone Viral in Social media and whatsapp groups since Monday morning. According to different timelines and comments, these Viral videos are showing clash between student groups from Daporijo of Arunachal Pradesh. The videos are related to All Upper Subansiri District Students Union election which has been deferred due to law & order problem & outbreak of clashes between students supporting different candidates.
After going through these video clips, one is left to wonder if this is happening in a student’s union election which is said to give rise to the future leaders of the state, then what can the public expect from such leaders.
The problem with Arunachal is that law and order is going from bad to worse. Most of the tribal students act like uncultured apes because that is how they have seen their elders behave. Education has completely failed the youth of Arunachal and that’s why when they come out of the state they are unable to cope. I feel that Arunachal is an example of a state where people were given power and money without having to work for it, thus across generation these people are showing a lack of character.