
Arunachal: KVK East Siang observes Kisan Diwas

Kisan Diwas, National Mushroom Day cum Farmers Scientists Interaction porgramme held at CHF, CAU, Pasighat under Swachhta Pakhwada.


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 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) East Siang, College of Horticulture & Forestry (CHF), College of Agriculture (COA), Central Agricultural University, All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Mushroom, Pasighat organized Kisan Diwas, National Mushroom Day cum Farmers Scientists interaction porgramme under Swachhta Pakhwada.

In his inaugural address, Chief guest Prof. B.N. Hazarika, Dean, highlighted the importance of Kisan Diwas and Swachhta Pakhwada. He also emphasized on the importance of mushroom in human diet for providing nutritional security to farming community in the district.

Prof. D.B. Ahuja, HOD of Plant Protection and guest of honour briefed the gathering about different programme run by government of India under Swachhta Pakhwada and significance of organizing National of mushroom day.

Dr. R.C. Shakywar, Principal Investigator of AICRP on Mushroom appraised the gathering about National scenario of mushroom cultivation.

He appreciated the effort of mushroom growers in the district and was of the view that such programmes should be organized on regular basis so as to bring more awareness and knowledge among the farming community on the need and importance of mushroom cultivation in the district.

He also delivered lecture on extension activities taken up by the department for the benefit of farming community of the district.

Dr. P. Debnath, HOD of Natural Resource Management highlighted the scenario of Organic farming and its prospects in Arunachal Pradesh.

Earlier, Dr. Mahesh Pathak, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK East Siang, in his welcome address, briefed the gathering about history of Kisan Diwas and contribution of late Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh for well being of the farming community of India.

He also highlighted extension activities conducted by the KVK and the CHF under mission Doubling farmers income by 2022 for the benefit of farming community of the district.

Dr. Pathak also emphasized on importance of management of low cost mushroom units, and use of quality spawn and proven technologies for promoting mushroom cultivation for wealth creation from waste.

During farmers-scientist interaction session, Oti Sitang, a progressive mushroom grower highlighted the scenario of mushroom cultivation by the farmers of the district along with the constraints faced by them. She also urged the gathering to adopt quality spawn for higher mushroom production for nutritional security and higher economic returns.

Mr. Pumto Perme, progressive farmers from the district appraised the gathering about prospects of Integrated Farming system, Bee keeping, Rain water harvesting, Piggery, Poultry, Goatery for doubling farmers income.

During the interaction programme, other progressive farmers from the districts highlighted the scenario of agriculture and horticultural the district.

Furthermore, progressive farmers shared their views on mushroom production for nutritional security and higher economic returns. Later, an exposure visit to the functional mushroom unit of CHF was conducted for the benefit of new mushroom growers to have hands-on training and exposure.

Altogether, 80 progressive farmers and rural youths from Mebo, Pasighat and Ruksin, blocks attended the programme. The programme ended with Vote of thanks from Mr. Toge Riba, SMS Plant Protection, KVK, East Siang.

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