
Arunachal Guv, CM convey Tamla Du festival greetings

ITANAGAR- Arunachal Pradesh Governor Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd), Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Sunday extended greetings to the people of Arunachal Pradesh on the festive occasion of Tamla Du. 

The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B. D. Mishra (Retd.) has conveyed his sincere Festival Greetings to the people of the State on the sacred occasion of Tamla Du Festival of the Tawran (Digaru) and Kaman (Miju) Mishmi brethren. He expressed his hope that this year’s Festival will usher in happiness and prosperity for all.


In his message, the Governor said that festivals bring happiness, cheer, hope, optimism, joy, kinship and many more pleasant experiences in our life. During the Tamladu Festival, the members of Mishmi tribe offer prayers to the Nature to save their villages from natural calamities. They also worship their almighty Lord Jabmalo and pray for the welfare of the human beings, good health of domestic animals, and the growth of the newly planted crops. According to their beliefs, all mighty Nature only can save them from climatic furies. During Tamla Du Festival Mishmi people, therefore, worship the Nature Gods for the protection of their Fold from all kinds of harms. Relying on their inherited traditional knowledge, Mishmi people, during the Tamla Du Festival, offer their respect to Nature and resolve to preserve the environment, he said.

On this auspicious occasion, I pray to Almighty Lord Jabmalo to bless each one of us with his choicest blessings and protect us from COVID-19, the Governor said in his message.

Chief Minister Pema Khandu has extended greetings on the joyous occasion of Tamladu festival.

“I join my Mishmi brothers and sisters in celebrating Tamladu and pray Almighty Jebmalu for peace, prosperity and good health of all,” he said in a message this evening.

Khandu lauded the Mishmis for preserving their age old cultural heritage and said Tamladu is a proof of their love for their beliefs and culture.

“Tamladu also brings into light the lifestyle and the culture of the Mishmis through their clothes, music, food, dance, etc,” he observed.

Khandu reiterated his advice of preserving indigenous culture along with indigenous languages, which he said, gives identity to Arunachal Pradesh that cannot be found elsewhere.


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