Arunachal: Enforcement Squad seized Huge quantities of Tobacco product in Seppa

District Administration along with Enforcement Squad of DTCC carried out joint surprise checking and seized Huge quantities of Tobacco product in Seppa
District Administration along with Enforcement Squad of District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC) East Kameng, carried out joint surprise checking under entire Seppa township against Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation Of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) COTPA violation. Huge quantities of Tobacco product were seized.
The special drive was conducted primarily at such locations where tobacco shops operating within the 100 yards of schools. The main objective behind the checking was to warn and educate the Manager/Owner of Restaurants, Hotels of public places and Sellers/suppliers/distributors of tobacco products that violation of provision under COTPA Act 2003 is a punishable offence and District Administration will not tolerate if such violation continues afterwards.
During the drive, team comprised of EAC Atin Padung, Dr. k.Gyadi DPO, DFCSO shri. Buru Laling, APO (DEO) Topo Sangdo, Sr.Adv. Tutu Dolo, inspector, 3 constable and DTCC Staffs created awareness on various provision of the Act which prohibits the sale or purchase of Tobacco product by a minor below 18 yrs of age, prohibits the sale of any tobacco products within the area of 100 yards from any educational institution, and prohibits the sale/distribution/supply of tobacco product without labeling specified health warning on its packet. Further distributed posters, plays cards, public notice to the owner of the tobacco shops/local Gumtis.
Only those restaurants found not displaying the NO-smoking poster were challaned and a person below 18 years found selling tobacco product were also challaned on spot.