Arunachal: Chowna Mein inspected flood affected areas at Chongkham

During his visit, he assured to take up flood protection measures in phase wise manner and for a rope suspension bridge over Teang river to connect Chongkham 4 with Chongkham 2 and other villages across the river.
As the whole Chongkham area is located in flood prone area, the Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein today inspected the flood affected areas at Chongkham– 4, Gunanagar, Kherem, Alubari and Kamlang river downstream of Lohit bridge here today.
During his visit, he assured to take up flood protection measures in phase wise manner and for a rope suspension bridge over Teang river to connect Chongkham 4 with Chongkham 2 and other villages across the river.
He also made a surprise inspection to the Community Health Centre and Govt Higher Secondary School, Chongkham. He was impressed with the tidy maintenance of the CHC and lauded the medical staffs for the same.
He assured for a new 2 plus G Hospital building and for renovation of the old hospital buildings. He also said to provide fund from his Local Area Development Fund for solar water pumping system, for a sweeper and a contingency driver for the hospital.
Sensing that some of the class rooms buildings are in dilapidated conditions as it were built in NEFA days and the school is also want of a multipurpose hall, he assured to provide the same to the school. He also said to convert the present open hall into an administrative block for the principal office and teaching staffs common rooms.
Mein also visited the Farmer Training Centre at Kherem and he was dismayed to find that large numbers of Rubber saplings that have been developed in the FTC Kherem over the last two years have over grown and left without distributing to the needy farmers. He lamented the agriculture department for its failure to distribute the saplings to the needy growers across the State in time.
He further assured to provide fund for a water lifting system for the FTC Kherem for irrigation purpose and asked the Deputy Director Agriculture (Training), Shri Vikash Biswas to develop a demonstration plot cum nursery for dwarf varieties of Arecanut in FTC Kherem.
Later, Mein attended the Sarkar Aapke Dwar organized by the district administration at Alubari and visited various stalls put up be the departments. He called upon the people to take benefits of such program and urged them to discard single use plastics and keep the surroundings free from plastics.
He also attended the Maha Kathina Civara Dana with Maha-Sangha at Chakma Basti in Chongkham and address the gathering.
Earlier in the morning, Mein participated in the Gandhi Salkalp Yatra organized by the BJP Party workers from Tri-junction to Buddha Vihara at Chongkham to promote the ideals and principles of Mahatma Gandhi towards a Swaccht Bharat.
DCM was accompanied by DC Namsai, Bijay Talukdar, SP Ankit Kr Singh, ADC Orin Lego, EAC Chongkham, Rani Perme, HoDs and Public Leaders among others.