
Arunachal: Shahadat Diwas of Subehdhar Joginder Singh observed near Bumla

On his shahadat diwas today besides floral tributes,the students of Govt Higher Secondary School Tawang dedicated few patriotic songs to all the Soldiers of Indian army guarding the borders.

TAWANG- The officers from Tawang brigade led by its Brigade commander NM Bendigeri alongwith SP Tawang Bomge Kamduk,Rinchin Leta I/c DC Tawang public leaders Tsetan Chombey,Namgey Tsering, members of district students union led by its president Sang dhondup and other students today paid tribute to Subehdhar Joginder Singh, Param Veer Chakra(Posthumously) on his Shahadat Diwas at Joginder Singh war memorial near Bumla.

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It was on this day in the year 1962 Subehdhar Joginder Singh bravely fought the intruding chinese army. The Chinese army made heavy attacks in three waves, Sub. Joginder Singh commander of the platoon with his few men bravely pushed back the intruding force of 200 men each.

Arunachal: Shahadat Diwas of Subehdhar Joginder Singh observed near Bumla.

When the situation became untenable sub Joginder Singh and his men charged the chinese forces with bayonets killing number of enemies before he and his comrades were over powered and for his inspiring leadership devotion to duty by making supreme sacrifice of his life in protecting mother land Sub. Joginder Singh was posthomously honored with highest gallantry award of the country, Paramveer Chakra.

On his shahadat diwas today besides floral tributes,the students of Govt Higher Secondary School Tawang dedicated few patriotic songs to all the Soldiers of Indian army guarding the borders.


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