Arunachal: DIPR Office Longding to Conduct Free Test Series For SI Exam

LONGDING- DIPR office Longding is going to conduct free mock Test for Upcoming Exam for Sub Inspector to be conducted by APPSC in the month of August.
Mr. Nyatum Doke the DIPRO Longding said that “the aspirants from remote districts like Longding and others usually don’t get quality guidance for competitive exams- which results in their poor performance- so this is a small step to aid the students in boosting their preparation.”
“The regstratio process is on and already more than 25 candidates have registered; in addition wewill also provide relevant study materials” he added.
Mr Doke also informed that DIPR office earlier in collaboration with Assam Rifles provided free physical training camp to the aspirants, , of which most of the aspirants were selected for thewritten exam.
He shared that, the test will start on 17th July. There will be total of 7 (seven) test which will include 5 Sectional subject wise test, a comprehensive test and a current affairs test.
The test will be free of cost and will be held in offline mode following all necessary SOPs related to COVID 19.