Arunachal: APCSU organises awareness program on drug abuse and cleanliness in Diyun

DIYUN- A day prior to the Statehood Day, the Arunachal Pradesh Chakma Students’Union (APCSU) and Chakma Youth Federation of Arunachal (CYFA) on Friday organised an awareness program on drug abuse and cleanliness at Diyun in Changlang district.
Over 200 students from New Rising English Academy, Mahabodhi School and Sneha School participated in the program.
The students and other participants holding various placards against drug abuse and importance of cleanliness held a rally. A cleanliness drive was also conducted in the area.
The awareness program was organised in collaboration with local administration, schools, Diyun Bazaar Committee and Hajong Students’ Union.
The Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) S. Roy inaugurated the awareness program. After the cleaniness drive and Anti- Drug campaign S. Roy ( EAC) has asked Students and Youths not to involved any activities related to substance abuse as well as the unlawful trade of drugs.
It has several side effects in the form of economic loss, antisocial behaviour such as stealing , violence and crime besides social stigma and overall downfall of the society, stated President of Arunachal Pradesh Chakma Students’ Union Drishya Muni Chakma.