North East

Red Horn Organises Meet to Resolve Problems of Widows of Ex Serviceman


Remembering the supreme sacrifice made by the soldiers who laid their lives serving and defending the motherland, the Red Horns Division made a sincere endeavour to reach out to the families and widows of Ex-servicemen (ESM) and resolve their problems  in the districts of Lower Assam. A meeting was organized on 02 Nov 2016 at Rangiya to spread awareness about the facilities and scheme provided to them by the Central and State Government besides other agencies and ensure speedy resolution of any meet-to-resolve-2problems which they may have.


The meet was one in a series of interactions held frequently to felicitate and interact with widows of ESM.  118 widows attended the meet at Red Horns Auditorium at Rangiya and were updated about welfare schemes undertaken by State Government and Army.  Medical checkup of the attendees were also carried out by Army Medical Officers. Mrs Samina Sirohi, Chairperson,  Family Welfare Organisation, Red Horns Division interacted with widows and discussed to their problems. The meet highlighted important schemes including placement of wards/ widows of ESM.  The event received an overwhelming response and grievances of widows of ESM were noted for mitigation.

 Similar meets were also organised at Sarbhog, Mangaldai and Bongaigaon by the Red Horns Div to benefit more than 700 widows of ESM in the Lower Assam area.


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