Arunachal : Tayeng inaugurates workshop on National Pension Scheme

Chief Secretary Incharge Commissioner Kaling Tayeng today inaugurated the workshop and training programme on National Pension Scheme for Finance and Accounts Officers, Accounts Officers, Treasury Officer and Sub-Treasury Officers at Dorjee Khandu state Convention Hall.
Teyeng while addressing the officers said many people of our state do not pay income tax and even some of them unaware of the guidelines and rules and regulation, the platform is an opportunity through which our officers will enrich with the activities of the newly introduced and defined contributory pension schemes replacing the existing system.
The scheme shall be for the newly recruited officials of the state government on the line of schemes introduced by Government of In respect of central government employees and IAS officers and others. This comes under operation with effect from January 1 2008 and applicable for all who are appointed on or after January 1 2008.
This scheme shall be mandatory for all government servants who joined on or before January 1 2008 and government servant have to contribute 10 % of salary while the government will make an equal matching contribution while the investment and contribution will be kept in non withdrawal pension account and separate accounts respectively.
He advice the officer to attend the two day training without fail so that they can after the training make understand to other officer and staffs who are dealing with the finance and accounts in different department.
Director of Accounts and Treasuries Techi Tedi presented the detail of the two days training programme and elaborated the need of NPS and other related issue of maintain accounts up-dation of the issue.
Secretary Finance Y W Ringu, Director of Audit and Pension A Basit, Senior Finance and Accounts Officer Tage Talin and officers and representative of National Security Depository Limited (NSDL),Pension Fund Regulatory Development and Authority (PFRDA)among other address the gathering.
Officers and representative from SBI, LIC, Accountant General and other also attended the training and workshop.