“no pay for no work” is to be implemented strictly and all the work department should activate their man power and use them for developmental activity, said Jambey Tashi, MLA, Lungla
Lungla ( Tawang )
Jambey Tashi , MLA Lungla today Chaired a developmental meeting with the HODs under Lungla Sub division, Executive engineers of work departments and Project Director DRDA Tawang at Addl. DC conference hall Lungla.
In his address to the HODs and public leaders present in the meeting , Jambey Tashi said, every year there is incident of forest fire in Lungla area, the forest department should take serious note of it and initiate action against those involved.
He further said that “no pay for no work” is to be implemented strictly and all the work department should activate their man power and use them for developmental activity.
He asked the officers of Agriculture, Horticulture department and public leaders to convince the farmers to revive agricultural activities, there is huge scope for agriculture and horticulture in some of the villages in Lungla sub division, for which he assured all possible help for the farmers from his own resources.
Discussing about the increasing dog menace he, asked the Veterinary department to take up immediate action with regard to Animal birth control and anti rabies vaccination programme for which he placed the required fund to Addl. DC lungla.
There was discussion on various schemes like RURBAN, and others under Deptt of Rural development. Showing his concern over education scenario MLA said, non performing teachers and staff shouldn’t be spared, though we are in shortage of teachers but this will be sorted out soon he assured and asked the public leaders to ensure increased enrollment in govt schools.
Jambey Tashi right from the beginning of the meeting till end stressed importance on maintaining of work quality, and instructed the work departments to engage each and every engineers, regular and casual paid laborers to work. He further said giving salary to non performing employee is also a kind of corruption.
All the HODs presented information on ongoing works under their department and its progress. The meeting ended with vote of thanks from Addl.DC Lungla Shri RD Thungon assuring to make Lungla a plastic free, gambling free and drugs free area as desired by MLA during his 73rd Independence day speech 2019.