Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission ( APPSC ) has not only failed as an institution, but failed at it spectacularly, Stated NPP.
Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has not only failed as an institution, but failed at it spectacularly. The APPSC must understand the rule of Hole, which says, “When you are in a Hole, stop digging”, stated National People’s Party ( NPP ) through a press release.
The APPSC has committed mistakes in rapid succession, one after the other. It requires a severe course correction to where it’s headed, and the only way it can do so, is by first officially admitting its mistake, stated NPP.
National People’s Party is of the firm opinion that the Expert Committee initiated by the courts is in the right direction.
We are also sanguine to the outcome that the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, in times to come, will undertake all appropriate measure towards redressing the genuine concern of those that have been denied equal opportunity across the board.
We have firm believe in the Institution of the Courts and the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.