North East

Assam Rifles pays Tribute to Martyred Rifleman Biju Sorupuwar


All Ranks of Assam Rifles salute to martyred  Rifleman Biju Sorupuwar and the pays tribute to his supreme sacrifice.

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Rifleman Biju Sorupuwar was part of the Permanent Vehicle Check Post of 27 AR at Lambui Junction (Dist. Ukhrul, Manipur) when it came under an IED attack during the morning hours of 30 Jun 17.

In this cowardly attack by the insurgents, while two Jawans suffered minor injuries(and recovered after first aid) Rifleman Biju Sorupuwar made his supreme sacrifice.

Biju is a resident of Lakhimpur District, Assam and is survived by his wife and two young children.

All Ranks of Assam Rifles salute the supreme sacrifice of Rifleman Biju Sorupuwar,  and pays their condolences to his family. His valiant efforts and sacrifice will not go in vain.

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