
Vihangam Yog Sansthan programme concludes Hawan for world peace


The two days function organised by the state unit of the Vihangam Yog Sansthan concludes on Sunday with a Hawan for world peace.

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Addressing the concluding function the Sadhguru Acharya Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj of Jhushi, Varanasi, appeal the people to maintain yoga for a healthy body and sound mind.

He said that the people of the cosmetic world are now suffering from lots of disease and have no time to take care of themselves due to lack of time and other works. We have to take care ourselves by giving few time for  Vihangam yoga, the Vihangam Yoga is a science and is a Vedic system which is being maintained from time immemorial.

Where there is love, there is the abode of God. Where there is the truth, devotion, surrender, sense of service, there is the welfare of the soul and the light of God is there

Maharaj told devotees that publishing the significance of human life spirituality is an indispensable requirement of our lives. This is the whole development of our life. Our human life is precious, it is a great gift of God, we have not received it motivelessly  can not lose wanton. Within us is the power of eternal, God is sitting within us, inside us is the infinite light of knowledge. we Need  Sadhguru’s technique, through which our life will be enlightened, to be enlightened, therefore there is satsang and that is why spirituality is needed.

251 kundiya Vedic Mahayagya was inaugurated by hoisting ‘A’   written white flag.   Describing the glory of Yajna Sant prwar vigyan  Dev Ji Maharaj said that Yajna is the auspicious deed  in the world and every propitious  work is the Yajna. The main sentiment of yajna is to renounce selfishness and to lead a benevolent life. Any substance put in fire  is not destroyed, but it spreads.

He said that there is a clear rule of physics that no object is  destroyed at all but is transformed. The function of fire is to transform the gross matter into a subtle form. Through the Vedic Mantra, the atmosphere is full of  divine energy . This is a perfect means of preventing global warming happening today. All environmental concerns should be taken care of.

Thousands of people, together with the Vedic Mantras for the material and spiritual upliftment on this sacred occasion performed vaidic yajyna

the initiation of the practical knowledge of Brahm vidya Vihangam Yoga for the peace and spiritual upliftment of the human mind was given to new inquiries present to this programme.

State Unit President Er. Tanga Kena also address the gathering

Parliamentary Secretary and MLA Chyang Tajo Karaya Baggang, Sant Kishenji, Madan Mohan Singh of Tezpur, Bajrang Bazar of Mumbai,  Chandrakant Jaiswal, BM Sharma Imphal, Yogendra Gupta, Maliram Agarwal, Shiv Kumar Singh, R. Pradhan, Bablu Shrivastav, were present


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