Chalo Loku Concludes at Deomali with Goodwill

The Chalo Loku festival concluded at Deomali with a goodwill gesture on Friday. The mesmerizing moods was conspicuous on the faces of Nocte’s across the state where ever they are spotted due to the famous Chalo loku festivals. Basically Cha means paddy and Lo means festival which means a festival of bumper paddy harvest. The paddy is a staple foods for all the tribals in the North east region. So the main reason of celebrating a Chalo loku is to please the almighty god who is the provider of good harvest of their paddy.
During this festival the older people sang in local dialect called “khappa”which is little different from usual nocte dialect. Only the aged folks knows that dialect properly. It is believe that with the passage of time, the younger generations are slowly losing the grip of that dislect. So in order to preserve it, the older peoples are trying hard to pass on the same to the posterity. since with the advent of modernization in all spheres of life, the younger generations seem to be losing the grip of old aged tradition folklore and unknowingly resorting to western lifestyle, the grey haired are concerned about it.
Today at Deomali, the chief guest Zingnu Namchoom, Parliamentary Secretary for Planning, government of Arunachal Pradesh was welcome at the main gate of Rangsom hum, a ritualistic hut where a ritualistic chanting are offered to please the almighty from where he was taken to another traditional hut where tham or thom or Log drum was beaten with traditional rhythm as another aspect of rituals of Chalo loku which normally is a pre-requisite before the start of the festival.
During the speech, the honourable parliamentary secretary for Planning Zingnu Namchoom, who hails from 48th Namsai ST Assembly constituency advocated that the present government under the dynamic leadership of Pema Khandu, who is a Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh is committed to building the infrastructure of all the district equally, so the government has decided to allocate an equal funds to all the constituency to perpetuates the holistic development at faster pace. He further said that the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers alike are committed to building a healthy society under their flagship programs. So ample schemes had been constituted to fight the negative menaces across the state one after another. He rhetorically said that almighty had blessed this 54th Namsang constituency under the able leadership of Wangki Lowang, minister for DOTCL, Agri, Trade and Commerce to wean the localities for prosperity with bumper harvest now and forever. He further expressed that the honourable DCM, Chowna mein , who could not turn up to the event though he was formerly invited had send a token of love of about 2lakhs to award those cultural troops who had been enthusiastically rehearsing to show case their cultural dance expertise during the event and alongwith it he himself added another one lakh as a special gesture.
The noton bosti troops, Forest colony dance troops and Rangte dance group was adjudged First, second and third prizes respectively.
On the other hand, Wangki Lowang, HM for DOTCL, Agri, Trade and Commerce of 54th Namsang ST Assembly constituency on his speeche emphasizes that the tradition and culture must be preserved looking at the deteriorating trends of culture and traditions. He also opined that we must rely upon an organic farming and stay safe from the pesticidal contamination to ensure long life to avert untimely death among the folks. Every individual must refrain from using psychotropic substances like opium, drugs and alcohol which are the main sources that retard the growth of an individuals in every aspects. However, he reiterated that he will ensure that his constituency touches the cresendo of development.
Finally, the Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Ngonglin Boi on behalf of the Chalo Loku committee who extended warm gratitude to the HCM for extending financial help towards the fest besides all the heads of the department for their earnest help towards the event.