Vendors are illegally selling fuel at roadside outlets in several places of Arunachal Pradesh, violating the rules and posing danger to passersby. Several outlets are filling petrol and diesel in 1-litre and half-litre pet bottles and motorists are buying them at a premium as fuel stations are located far away.
The above photographs taken in Medo and Manyuliang markets under Wakro circle in Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh showing illegal selling of Petrol and Diesel that mixed with other fuel like Kerosene etc.
According to the Petroleum Act 1934 petrol, the fuel should be kept in glass containers, stoneware or metal. It is also illegal to store more than 30-litre petrol without a licence.
As per the rules, sale of loose fuel is prohibited. “There is no guarantee that the fuel sold is genuine or adulterated.
The vendors who are illegal selling of Petrol and Diesel on the road side without having a proper license and without informing to local Magistrate.
This Illegal act is happening since many years but till now no one has taken any action against them sales persons even the bazaar secretary. Thousands are involved in this illegal trade in the region All the responsible persons of bazaars are silent on the issue.
Great job.. I appreciate your site for such brave act. Thank you from bottom of my heart.