Arunachal: Tangsa bag making & dairy farming training concludes
10 women beneficiaries were under gone training on Tangsa Bag Making and 10 undergone training on Dairy Farming.

Jairampur: Valedictory programme on Tangsa Bag Making and Diary Farming was organized by R.K. Mossang Memorial Society at Jairampur on 28.08.2020. Both the programme was sponsored by NABARD, Itanagar under its Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDP) and Off Farm Development Department (OFDD) and it was 10 days long programme.
10 women beneficiaries each from Nampong, Manmao & Jairampur were under gone training on Tangsa Bag Making and 2 from Nampong, 2 from Manamo & 6 from Jairampur undergone training on Dairy Farming.
Dr. Devansh Yadav, DC Changlang District, was the chief guest in this programme and accompanied by Ibom Tao, ADC Jairampur, S. Roy, CO Jairampur, Kamal Roy, DDM, NABARD, Tusham Longri, Ex-ZPM, M.Riba, ARCS, Changlang Dirstrict, Dr. D. Techai, SVO & P Bhatacharjeee, MD, NM LAMP ltd.
Kamal Roy, DDM, NABARD, in his speech requested the beneficiaries to sell their products at genuine market price and keep the margin low so everyone can afford so that their sell volume will increase automatically. He informed them after keeping in view of the market potential of the Dairy products, NABARD has funded various training programme on Dairy Farming.
He had informed the participants about the scheme of the Govt. of India viz: Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Programme. Where 33 % subsidy will be provided by NABARD. He urged them to garb the opportunity, He requested them to produced goods as vocal for local and keep margin low.
Dr. Devansh Yadav, IAS,DC, Changlang District, highlighted few points in his speech.
Before producing any product we have to do market survey so that ready market shall be available for finished goods and regular income can be generated by selling products.
He informed participants, in Jairampur 2000 nos. of beneficiaries will get free seedlings for kitchen gardening and also get equipments by next month. He hoped that all the beneficiaries will get benefited from this scheme.
One Gym for Jairampur will be opening soon and equipments worth 10 lakhs will be provided for the same and it would be functional by the month of October’2020.
All the Secondary and Hr. Secondary school teachers of Govt. Schools were trained in online teaching now are ready to provide online teaching.
Vote of thanks was given by Miss Komoli Mosang, Chairperson RKMMS, She had her gratitude towards NABARD for providing training programme. The programme concluded with lunch.