
Arunachal: Farmers in Lohit get Milch Cows to boost self reliant economy  

Tezu- With a sheer objective under the slogan Atma Nirbhar Bharat to boost self reliant rural economy, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary has disbursed 15 (fifteen) number of milch cows with calf to three progressive farmer of Lohit district here today at the Govt. Goat Farm Mekhaliang in a simple ceremony.

Each selected beneficiary were handed out with three Milch Cows and two adult cows along with calf. Five months of composite feed as well as Jar, Bucket, Rope and Mug respectively were also given.

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Lui Shiba SDO as a guest distributed exotic cows to the beneficiaries in the presence of Peme Keche EAC, Sakuntala Gogoi VO and other members of CMWRS.

“We have distributed cows of exotic breed which give maximum milk of 10 to 12 Liters per day. Holstein Freisen and Jersey cross exotic breed cows brought from Kapurtala, Punjab under Chief Ministers white revolution scheme Budget Announcement 2019-20 are handed out.

The state government has taken initiatives to boost the dairy sector for self reliant economy”, highlights Dr N Taipodia DVO.

Sohai Kri from Telluliang Village, Hemanta Mein of Sunpura and Bratalum Tamai from Loiliang village were shortlisted under the scheme.

When the beneficiaries questioned about the marketing, the DVO says upcoming Govt. Milk Plant at Namsai and private plant at Tezu will meet up the marketing part. Else he adds milk has huge local demand.

Meanwhile, the dept sources further said that an integrated, holistic and scientific approach is adopted to improve and upgrade the dairy sector. The AH&V also promises to follow up and guide the farmer for better upkeep of the valuable asset being given to the beneficiaries.

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