Arunachal: Debate competition to generate awareness on free and fair Election

At HCTE, Nyabi Ori and Sange Chotup Bapu both from IVth semester were adjudged 1st and 2nd winner.
Debate Competition on “Has Arunachal Truly Evolved as a vibrant democracy Since Last 32 Yrs” was conducted today simultaneously at two colleges of Capital Complex namely Government college Doimukh and Hills college of Teachers Education, Lekhi.
The debate competition is being organised by District Adminstration Capital Complex at various colleges of Capital Complex to generate awareness on free and fair Election.
Nine students participated at Government College Doimukh out of which Mr. Tai Otu of BA IInd semester and Bharat Mili of IVth semester were adjudged 1st and 2nd respectively.
At HCTE, Nyabi Ori and Sange Chotup Bapu both from IVth semester were adjudged 1st and 2nd winner.
Earlier, at Govt College Doimukh, the event was held in collaboration with Literary cell of the college and the Principal Dr.MQ Khan while encouraging the students briefed them on how to be a good debator.
The winners would now compete with winners of other colleges in the inter college debate competition that would be held on 3rd April 2019 at Dera Natung Government College Itanagar.
The DC Shri Himanshu Gupta has wished the best to the students and hoped that the best debators would represent their colleges during the inter college competition.