After the crops are sown and at the time of little agricultural activity, in the seventh month of lunar calendar, a rite known as “Choekor” is organised in the villages
‘Choekhor festival’ celebrated in Bomdila on Wednesday in befitting manners for peace prosperity and happiness of all.
As per Buddhist, ” Choekhor ” is divided into two words “Choe” meaning is Holy book of Buddhist and “khor” meaning “circle o wander whole area, thus choekhor means carry a hollybook of Buddhist on men or women soldier and wander or circle the whole area.
After the crops are sown and at the time of little agricultural activity, in the seventh month of lunar calendar, a rite known as “Choekor” is organised in the villages by the entire village community with the aim of offering supernatural protection to the crops sown, for good harvest and to drive away evil spirits. Choekhor of Arunachal Pradesh is celebrated by the Monpa and Shertukpen tribe in the West kameng and Tawang district.
During Choekhor, the village people call up priests or monks from monastery so that they can read the holy books namely “Nyi-thri”, “Gye-tong”, “ka-gyur”, “Bum”, etc. on the last day of the festival, a large rally is taken out carrying idols of Lord Buddha and other Buddhist pantheon and some holy books on their soldiers and circle the whole farm land.
After this the whole procession of Choekhor stops for some time in the fields where the monks recite some holy hymns so as to bless the crops with good productivity. In between all these rituals, tea, popcorn, chang, etc. are offered to the members who have participated in the rally by the villagers.
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today’s there were six Kengpa ( Kengpa means a mask men who protect religious book of buddhist from unwanted evils) participated in the said festival who walk around the villages like Pedung , sera and more.
Religious book of Buddhist ( Choe) carried out by about 700 people was started from Thubchog Gatsel ling monastery via political garage via pedung village via kunjang choekhorling monastery Pemaling colony via bank colony via Gontse Rabge ling monastery via 1 mile and lastly culminated at sera village.
Thubchog Gatsel ling Monastery Guru Tulku Rinpoche, Deputy Registrar cooperative society, west kameng District Phurpa Tsering GB Pedung village Passang Monpa and Kesang Tsering, Chairman Bomdila lamp Dorjee Tsering and GB sera village Wangdi, Dondup Monpa and lobsang Jamba, Secy, Bomdila Town among other several eminient personalities also participated the procession and prayed for the wellbeing of the community and the people.